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would y'all want more like "heated" kissing scenes and stuff or no way?
lonely heart - 5sos

"Now is not the time." Noah says annoyed. It feels like years ago we were happily in love at that theme park, but it was only a few hours ago.

"I don't care what you say, I'm not letting you reject NYU." I say sternly, crossing my arms and standing in front of him confidently.

"Why? Shouldn't you be happy that I'm choosing you?" Noah asks irritated.

"I never asked you to choose me, in fact I've been against it this entire time. As much as I'd love to have you with me, I know you can't. You need to go to NYU, Noah." I tell him calmly, somehow. 

"She's right." Chloe says from the doorway, seeming to have been there the entire time.

"Chloe I really don't need you taking part in me and my girlfriends arguments." Noah says rudely.

"I won't be your girlfriend for much longer if you keep this up." I tell him, raising my eyebrow.

"You don't mean that." Noah snaps, ignoring Chloe.

"I do, Noah." I reply, growing angrier by the minute. 

"Why can't I just go to UCLA?" Noah asks a lot quieter, my words affecting him.

"Because even though you claim to want to go with me, we all know NYU is what you've been dreaming of. I'm not just going to watch you make the wrong decision." I tell him, how is he so stubborn, I don't get it.


"No. Listen to me." I say, cutting him off.

"Okay then, if I go to NYU then we breakup." Noah says walking up to me so close that our faces are almost touching.

It takes everything in me to day those next words.

"Fine. We breakup." I say to him, my heart shattering at the look on his face. Noah takes a step back and looks away from me. Chloe gasps, reminding me that she's been here the entire time.

"If that's what it takes." I whisper, walking past him, grabbing my bag and leaving his room.


It doesn't even feel real. And the fact that I could apologize to him right now kills me. But I can't do that. It might sound stupid, but it's not fair to Noah if I stay with him. If breaking up with him is what it takes to get him to finally realize that he needs to go to NYU, then I'll have to deal with it. Tears run down my face uncontrollably as I wait here, sitting on the grass at the entrance of Noah's neighborhood, I wasn't about to ask Noah to drive me home and I just completely collapsed and I can't bring myself to get up. To anyone driving past me, I probably look crazy, but I don't even care at this point.

"L-Luke?" I stutter after he answers my call.

"What's up?" Luke asks happily.

"Can you come pick me up?" I ask him, already feeling guilty.

"Of course, where are you?" He asks with worry laced in his voice.

"I'm at the entrance of Noah's neighborhood, I'll send you the location." I whisper, unable to talk any louder.

"Okay, I'm coming." Luke says after I send it to him.

"Please hurry." I tell him before hanging up.

My hand fumbles for the clasp of the necklace Noah gave me and I take it off, balling it up in my hand. Somehow I manage to turn myself to the trees behind me and I use all my strength to throw it into them, not wanting to ever see it again. All I want it to have called Noah instead of Luke, but I know that it'll just end worse than it already has. 


Oh my god.

I literally fell asleep on the side of the road. What has my life come to? Luke carries me to his car and I'm thankful he came. The sky has grown a lot darker since I was last awake and it extremely cold. 

"Tell me everything." Luke says placing me in the passenger seat of his car. 

"I broke up with Noah." I say, barely audible.

"...oh. Are you okay?" He asks, glancing at me as he watches the road. I slowly shake my head and just that simple movement was enough to trigger more tears.

"I just feel so...small and fragile a-and I miss Noah and I-I don't know what to do with myself." I ramble, trying to calm myself down buy my attempts failing. 

"Everything is going to be alright, okay? If he was stupid enough to let you go then you don't need him." Luke tells me, putting his hand on my back.

"But I want him."

a/n -

wow, soooooo deep. jk i can't write so enjoy lol.

<3 lilia

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