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thank you for all the reads 💕

"So, Y/n, how long have you lived here?" Mr. Schnapp asks as we eat our breakfast.

"All my life, my parents moved here after they got married." I reply politely. 

"Oh, I can't wait to meet them!" Mrs. Schnapp says. I smile, deciding not to add that they would just be meeting my father. Noah seems to sense that, so he gives his dad a look.

"..Do you have any plans for college?" Mr. Schnapp asks.

"I'd like to go to UCLA for photography." I reply with a smile.

"Oh, I like that. Are you into photography?" Chloe asks.

"Yeah, I've been obsessed with it ever since I was a kid. My mom was an amazing photographer." 

"What does she do now?" Mrs. Schnapp asks.

"Oh, uh, she passed away when I was fifteen, but photography was always her thing." I reply.

"I'm so sorry, I can't imagine." Mrs. Schnapp says, taking my hand.

"Thank you." I reply and smile at her.

Noah rubs my back and when Mrs. Schnapp lets go of my hand, I fall back into my seat where Noah has his arm around me. Chloe smiles sympathetically at me and I'm glad no one pushed the subject further. Noah and his father talk about college and the entire family is in on the conversation. As I sit back, I admire how you can see so clearly how much they care about each other. I'd kill to have a family like that. It's been just me and my dad for two years, and I've gotten so used to that that I almost forgot what an actual family was like. At this point, my dad just lets me do whatever. I know he loves me and he knows I love him, but we keep our distance. Both of us can barely talk about anything with each other, everything always just leads to Mom and both of us crying. 

"So, I don't know if Noah's already asked you, but how would you like accompanying us to California over spring break? We'd love to have you!" Mr. Schnapp asks.

"That sounds like fun, I'm in. I'll just check with my dad and I'll let you know." I reply.

"Great!" Mrs. Schnapp says.

I love this family.

a/n - 

it's SO short compared to my other chapters, but it's just a filler. love u.
also, lmk if there's anything you'd want to see happen in this or anything like that ♥

<3 lilia 

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