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physically, i'm fine. emotionally, i'm bruised.
also keep in mind they're 17, k bye.


"Good morning, sunshine." Noah says as he opens his front door.

"Good morning." I reply, stepping inside.

I leave my suitcase and backpack at the front door and follow Noah up the stairs and in his room. For today, I'm wearing the sweater I stole from Noah and black leggings with Vans. A comfortable outfit for traveling. Noah continues to pack and I put on record before helping him. Inside his bathroom, things are strewn about, so I sort everything and put them back organized. Noah walks and takes me by my waist and walks me to his bed.

"I missed you." He says, laying down. We've only been apart two days.

"I missed you to." I reply, kissing him.

We lay on his bed, kissing for a few minutes. Eventually we pull away and Noah laughs, hugging me tighter. Mr. Schnapp knocks on the door and Noah answers, taking his bags and going downstairs. Before going with him, I run to his bathroom. As I find toothpaste, I noticed Noah didn't pack it, I look in the mirror and my jaw drops. I've never had a hickey before. At the edge of my jawline is a hickey, almost barely visible. 

"Shoot." I mumble and go downstairs, straight to my backpack. 

I pull out my concealer and go to the downstairs bathroom. While I apply concealer, covering up the hickey Noah gave me, I can hear them talking outside the door.

"I really, really love her mom." Noah says, which causes me to smile like an idiot.

"She seems like an amazing girl." Mrs. Schnapp replies.

"She's more than amazing, she's everything I could've asked for and more. I know it's only been two weeks, but she's just so perfect." Noah spills.

"Well, if you love her that much, you should tell her." Chloe chimes in.

Smiling to myself, I finish up and flush the toilet to make it sound like I was using the bathroom and wash my hands. When I open the door, their little group disperses, leaving Noah standing there and looking at me. I smile up at him since he towers over me and walk back over to my backpack and pack away my makeup bag. Noah takes my suitcase to his car and we get in, Noah's parents and Chloe riding in a different car. I'd love to be friends with Chloe, but she's always seemed closed off, which sucks because she's really sweet.

"What are we?" Noah asks.

"We're a couple." I reply.

"But, I mean, to you...I don't know how to put it." He continues.

"To me, you're the most amazing boy I've ever met, and you're the perfect boyfriend." I say, grinning. Noah smiles and leans over, kissing me on the cheek and taking my hand.

"But can we please still not tell Jade. I know it's wrong, but she can't know." I add.

"You'll have to tell her eventually. Ebony will back off someday, which I hope is soon because she keeps blowing up my phone. For now, we won't, but you have to at some point, she's your best friend." Noah reasons.

"You're right, I'll tell her..someday." I reply

Noah turns on the radio and Calpurnia comes on, which makes Noah smile. I've never really asked about his relationship with all his costars, but I get the sense he's only close with a few of them. I know him and Millie are still best friends, but that sometimes seems like they're growing apart. It would suck if I was the reason for that. The last thing I want to do is keep Noah from living his life and having fun with other people besides me. I've been spending all my free time with him, and although I love him to pieces, I miss Jade. And Luke. Luke and I haven't really talked lately. Whenever I talk with Jade, she always says Luke misses me, which I believe, but whenever I see him he just ignores me. It's weird. 

But I should stop worrying. I'm going to have the time of my life on this trip, and I'm not going to let anything ruin my time with Noah.


The Schnapp's and I get through security and find our gate. Noah's wearing all black, a hat, and is wearing sunglasses. It makes sense, whenever we go out, even in our small town people are always coming up to him. They always ignore me though, but I'm totally okay with that. Noah's sweater is so comfortable and it smells just like him, which is nice. He makes me so, so happy.

"You hungry?" Noah asks.

"Always." I reply and the two of us stand.

Noah and I hold hands as we walk through the different options of food. A cute little cafe catches my eye and we walk over. As I look at the menu, I see all the different kinds of coffee they have. Noah insists on paying for me, so I let him and tell him what I want. The cashier seems to recognize him and whispers to his coworkers. Noah gives me a look and we both know what's coming.

"Oh my god, I'm a huge fan!" She says excitedly.

"Really? It's so nice to meet you." Noah says, genuinely happy. I admire that about him.

"Can I have a picture?" She asks.

"Of course!" Noah replies. The cashier pulls out her phone and takes a selfie with him. Noah hugs her and she thanks him, putting in our orders. Noah smiles at me and wraps his arms around me. 

"Is she your girlfriend?" The same girl asks.

"Yeah, this is Y/n!" He says, introducing me.

"Aw, hey, you two are adorable." She says.

I smile at her and compliment her outfit, which she thanks me for. The two of us take our drinks and head back to our seats with Noah's family. All they've been is nice and I'm so happy they are. I can't imagine if they weren't. Even Chloe, who's closed off, has been the sweetest to me. They're all just amazing people. Noah and I take our seats and he pulls out his phone. We have an hour before we board our flight, so I pull out a book and begin to read. "A Good Girls Guid to Murder" by Holly Jackson. Noah notices the front cover and chuckles. I slap his arm and continue reading.


"Here we are!" Mrs. Schnapp says as our group enters our rental house.

"This place is amazing." Chloe says, taking her bags and going to her room.

Noah takes both our suitcases and I take both our backpacks, the two of us heading to our rooms. The hallways are scattered with all sorts of different paintings, all of them vibrant and beautiful. At the end of the hallway, right outside our room, is a painting of two teenagers, a boy and a girl. They're holding hands and they lay out on the beach. It's a cute picture, and it reminds me of Noah and I. Speaking of which, Noah walks out of the room and stands with me, looking at the painting.

"She kind of looks like you." Noah says.

"He kind of looks like you." I say.

"It's us." Noah replies. 

"What's that on your neck?" Noah asks, pulling my hair back.

"Take a guess." I tell him, smirking.

"Wh- ohhh. You want another one?"

a/n -

for no reason i was nervous abt posting this chapter 😶

<3 lilia

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