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space song - beach house
shiver - lucy rose 
should this book be like rlly long like What I Am or shorter??


Noah picks me up bridal style and runs down the street with me in his arms. People turn their heads and stare, some people filming as he runs by with me. All I can do is laugh and scream as he pretends to drop me and continues to run. We ditched his family after Chloe met up with a few friends and Mrs. Schnapp let us go out on our own. Our first day and already Noah is causing trouble. Each day I'm learning more about him and each day I'm falling more and more in love with him. Noah even posted on his instagram about me, which he almost never does. For some reason it made me feel special, at least more he already does. Noah really knows how to make me happy.

"Noah, put me down!" I yell as he slows.

"Fine." He says, pouting. I smile up at him and pinch his cheeks. 

"You're cute when you're pouty." I tell him, reaching up to ruffle his hair.

Noah smiles and wraps his arms around me, engulfing me in a hug. It's so much fun being teenagers in love. Being carefree and happy. I just wish it could last forever. I just wish we could last forever. All I want to do is proclaim to the world how much I love Noah, which technically I could do, but Jade would be confused. Jade. She's been my best friend since middle school and it's killing my lying to her. This should be something the two of talk about and swoon over, but it's not. In fact, it's something we swore off a long, long time ago.

Noah leans down and we kiss. It lasts for only a few seconds, but it's filled with love and affection. Our fingers intertwine as we walk down the sidewalk and pass all sorts of different cafes, restaurants and stores. A cute little thrift shop catches my eyes and I take Noah's hand and lead him to it. Inside rows and rows of clothes line the walls and the floor. Noah breaks away to find a restroom and I walk towards the dress section. On the end of a rack is a tiny red dress that looks like it's my size. I pick it up and hold it up to myself to see if it looks like it'll fit, and it does. 

"What do you think?" I ask Noah as he get's back.

"I think it'll look amazing on you." Noah says.

"You really think so?" I ask.

"Of course." Noah says, pushing the stray hair out of my eyes.

"Well then I'll try it on." 


"Could you zip it up for me?" I ask Noah as I step out of the little dressing room. Noah looks up and his eyes widen, which causes me to blush, and he nods. When his hands brush up against my back it sends shivers down my spin and butterflies to my stomach. I bite back a smile and turn around for Noah to get the full look.

"You look incredible." He says smiling.

"Perfect." I reply and go back into the dressing room.




Noah and I snuck out to the beach right after dinner. We changed into bathing suits, grabbed a few towels and headed out. Here in Santa Monica, the weather is perfect. The water is cold, but it doesn't really matter, nothing could ruin this trip. Tomorrow we all planned on going to the Santa Monica Pier, which I'm so excited about, but Noah and I wanted some time on the beach. The sun is setting, so it's casting the prettiest glow all over. Noah puts his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder, the two of us quietly enjoying this moment. He makes me feel safe. He makes everything seem okay and he takes all my worries away. He's perfect for me. We're perfect for each other.

"It's crazy how if you never came up to me at the library, we might not even be here." Noah says as we admire the colorful sky.

"I'm so glad I did, these have been the best weeks of my life." I reply, running my hands through his hair.

Noah beams as he studies my features. Instinctively, I want to turn away and cover my face, but I know all Noah would do is just turn me to face him again. He's right though, it's all because of Luke that I'm here. If he had never dared me to talk to Noah, I probably would't have ever talked to him. Jade would have convinced me of no boys and that would be that. No boys, no Noah, no being utterly in love. I remember how the teachers at school would always comment on the couples of the school and how highschool relationships would never last, but something tells me their all wrong. In fact, they are wrong. Noah and I have it all, no matter what anyone says.

"Look at me." Noah says, which I do.

Noah leans in and kisses me, which I return, kissing him back. His right hand trails over my body and stops at my waist, while his right hand holds my jaw. My hands are in his hair as we kiss, only stopping every now and then to breathe. All I want is Noah. It becomes more intense and passionate than before, which I like. I want all of Noah. Every single last piece of him I want all for myself. Noah begins to kiss my jawline and I close my eyes. Noah pulls away and I throw myself on him, both if us crashing onto the sand. We lay together, wrapped up in each other, staring up at the night sky scattered with stars.

Nothing could be better than this.


I wake up to Noah shaking me awake. He looks down at me affectionately, which makes my heart flutter. The want of sleep is so overwhelming I can barely function, so I put my head in the crook of Noah's neck. He laughs and picks me up, carrying me back to the beach house. I can hear Noah's parents whispering as we walk by, but Chloe seems to already be in bed. Pretending I'm asleep, I listen as Mrs. Schnapp tells Noah how lovely I am, which makes me so happy. The fact that his entire family likes me is just the best. Noah continues up the stairs and sets me down at the top, leading me back to our room. I let him take my dress off and he hands me a pair of sweatpants, which I take gratefully and put them on.

"Goodnight, Y/n." Noah says as I drift off to sleep.

a/n -

i honestly couldn't get through writing this without literally wanting to delete it all, so enjoy.

<3 lilia 

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