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Jade and I exit the school and walk out onto the parking lot. As we talk I see Luke leaning on my car that's parked right next to Jade's. After a minute all three of us acknowledge each other and stand by my car in silence. Jade studies Luke while I stare at the ground, non of knowing what to say.

"I'm sorry, Y/n." Luke says.

"I know, it's okay." I tell him.

"I'm sorry for punching your girlfriend." Jade says.

"Ex girlfriend." Luke corrects.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah, I asked her if she cheated and she said yes, but for some reason thought it was fine. I tried to break up with her, but she turned it to her dumping me, but it doesn't really matter at this point." Luke says, looking out at the sky.

"That sucks, I'm sorry." I say.

"But I really am sorry, I was a douche." Luke says.

"Yeah, you were." I say and laugh.

The three of us share a group hug, just like old times. It's nice having him back and being in our little group. It almost feels like freshman year again. We let go and Luke breaks into a smile, which doesn't happen often. Jade and him say goodbye and drive away, leaving me waiting for Noah to get out of wherever he is so I can drive him home. Noah walks out of the school door and starts sprinting as soon as he sees me.

"What the heck happened today?" Noah asks, scooping me up in his arms.

"A lot." I say laughing.


"And you took the blame?" Noah asks as we drive down the road.

"Yep, but it's okay, detention isn't that bad." I say, smiling. 

"I'll miss our car rides." Noah says, frowning.

"It's only for a week, you'll be all right." I say and smile, pinching his cheek with one hand while the other's on the wheel. Noah smiles and takes the hand I'm not using. Today we planned on going to the library to finish homework. Noah's in all the honors classes while I'm in all the artsy classes. Our schedule and schoolwork is so different, but we still manage to get it done together. I'm excited for my senior project in my photography class. I have to tell a story through artistic photos, and I'm doing it about my senior year. So far I have a bunch of pictures of Jade, Luke, and Noah, but I'm still trying to figure the whole project out. 

I pull into a parking spot and Noah and I grab out backpacks and walk into the library holding hands. It's nice, just having my person. Being able to be in love and spend so much time with him. When I first approached him I had no idea it would spawn into this. Jade is the only one who thinks it's fake, which isn't good. But after today I've decided to hold back on telling her. I just hope she won't be too mad, even though I know she will.

a/n -

ik ik it's short 

<3 lilia

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