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walking in the wind by 1D goes hard ngl
Only Angel - Harry Styles

"What do you plan on majoring in?" Ms. Leroy, the guidance counselor, asks as we sit in her tiny office after school.

"Media arts and design." I reply, looking through the brochures and papers she just handed me.

"Oh, I like that. Have you started on your application?" 

"Yes, I've been working on it along with my capstone project." I answer.

"That's great, keep up the good work. How are you stress levels?" Ms. Leroy asks, shuffling through her paper work while trying to type on her computer at the same time.

"They're not too bad. My grades are pretty good, but I have a few B's so I'm trying to get those up." 

"Good, good. You're one of our few straight A students." She adds, breaking her attention from her computer to me with a smile.

I nod and look down at my lap, fiddling with the case on my phone. These meetings are always so dull and boring. Ms. Leroy's really sweet and all, but she doesn't really have a personality. All I want to do right now is be with Noah. After hanging out with him last weekend, we haven't been able to see each other because of how busy school is keeping us. Maybe we could go out for dinner Friday, I'll have to ask.

"Y/n?" Ms. Leroy asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Um, sorry. Yes?" I ask. 

"I was just saying that you're free to go." She replies, handing me the rest of my papers.

"Oh, thank you." I say standing up and taking them from her hand.

"Anytime." She says quietly, training her eyes on her computer screen.

I open the office door and slip out into the cold hallway. The school's kinda gloomy without a bunch of students all round. As I walk towards the exit, I find my locker and grab a few books I need for homework and go into the parking lot. We're halfway through the school year by now, but it feels like it's going by so fast. I'd always dreamed of my senior year being so laid back and lazy but it's been so stressful and full of work to do. I'm just trying to get it all done and keep my grades up while working on applications for college. Noah and I talked a little bit about college, but I never really put thought into until now. We're probably going to have to do long distance, which would kill me. 

I pull into my driveway and get out, locking me car and walking inside. My dad stands with his back faced to me in the kitchen, making dinner.

"I'm home." I call out and walk down the hallway to my bedroom. 

Once I get inside, I drop my bag at the sight. Sitting on my bed is a little wrapped box with flowers and a card. I open the card and read what's written.


We haven't seen each other in a while,
so meet me at the library parking lot tonight.
 I got you you're favorite flowers and a present.
Enjoy <3

Noah is the best boyfriend in the world. No has ever treated me the way he does. He's respectful, considerate, kind, loving, funny, he's just everything I could ever want. It's the little things like this that make me so happy. For the few months we've been together he's always known how to cheer me up and make me smile. The only thing I'm wondering about is how he got this stuff in my room. When I open the box, a simple chain with a little pendant that has an N on is sitting on a small piece of cloth. My smile beams as I take it out, examining it. It's so basic but so pretty. What would I do without this boy?

"Y/n, dinner's ready." Dad calls from the kitchen.

"Coming!" I yell back, putting the necklace back in the box and leaving my room.

"You better hurry up, Noah should be expecting you." My dad hurries.

"How do you know about that?" I ask.

"Who do you think let him into your room?" Dad says, smiling.

"Oh, yeah, that makes sense." I reply, laughing.



Y/n walks across the parking lot to my car, her backpack slung on her shoulder. She looks so delicate and beautiful, especially in the moonlight. Everyday she makes comments about her appearance, but I don't know how she could ever think she's ugly. Everything about her is perfect and it makes me so sad that she doesn't love herself. I just don't get it.

"Hi." Y/n says, opening the car door.

"Hey." I reply, leaning over to kiss her. Our lips separate and I look at her and how she has the necklace I have her on.

"You like it?" I ask, referring to the necklace. 

"I love it, it's so pretty." She replies, her smile gleaming. She's literally the most adorable thing ever. 

Her hand reaches out for the aux cord and she takes out her phone and turns on music. Steal My Girl by One Direction comes on and Y/n immediately starts to scream the lyrics as she laughs. I just sit back and admire her. She looks at me and tilts her head, widening her eyes playfully. 

"Oh my god." I say, laughing at her.

"Come on, sing!" She encourages, pushing on my arm.

I roll my eyes jokingly and sing with her, the two of us trying our best not to burst out laughing. I never knew I needed her this much. When I saw her my first day at school I had thought she was cute, but I never knew that she would be my best friend and future girlfriend. Those first few weeks weren't even awkward, it was like we just clicked and got along so well. A little too well if I'm being honest. 

"So how's your capstone project going?" I ask her since she's been stressed about it lately.

"Good actually, it's coming together. Which reminds me, smile!" Y/n says, pulling out her camera and pointing it to me. I grin and let her take a picture.

"My turn." I say and take the camera from her.

"Noah, no!" She laughs, covering her face with her hands. I snap the picture and give the camera back and she looks through them.

"Ew, I have to delete that." Y/n says, staring down at the camera screen.

"No, it's cute, I like it." I say.

"Of course you do, you're my boyfriend, you have to say that." She says, scrolling through all her other pictures.

"What? Y/n, I always mean it when I say you're beautiful. Any guy would kill to have you as a girlfriend, I'm just the lucky guy." I tell her, turning her head to look at me.

"Oh hush." She says, smiling. 

"I mean it." I tell her sincerely.

"But-" Y/n tries to say but I cut her off by placing my lips on hers. She smiles into the kiss and I chuckle. Her hands comes up to my hair and she tugs lightly at the roots. I place my hand on her jaw and my other at her hip, pulling her closer. Times like this are always the best, neither of us are in a hurry, we're both just enjoying the moment. She pulls away and puts her forehead against mine, cupping my face with her hands.

"I love you." She whispers. 

a/n -

if you know where that gif is from at the top ily

<3 lilia

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