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the book abt finn i'm writing is like my favorite one i've written yet 
sunflower vol. 6 - harry styles
let's be happy :)

"Noah!" I yell up to his window. His curtains get pulled back and he stands there shirtless, peering down at me. After a few seconds of him just standing there, Noah finally moves to get the ladder and opens up his window.

"Good morning, sunshine." Noah says with a grin, letting down the ladder so I can climb up.

Without saying anything, I start to climb up and stumble a bit, crashing through his window and onto the carpeted floor. Noah holds out his hand and I take it, letting him pull me up. As soon as I'm on my feet his arms are around me and his chin rests on my head. I missed this. After a few minutes of just standing in each others arms, I pull back and look up into his deep hazel eyes and I smile without even thinking.

"I missed you." Noah whispers, dipping his head down and kissing me.

"I missed you too." I say quietly, running my hands through his hair. 

We both know we need to talk about everything that's happened, but right now all I want is to just be with him. Noah beams as he has his arms around my waist, kissing the top of my head. A knock sounds at Noah's door and Mrs. Schnapp slowly opens it, looking inside.

"Y/n, how nice to finally see you! Our house has been so boring without you." Mrs. Schnapp says with a smile and I break away from Noah to hug her.

"I've missed it here." I tell her as we pull away.

"Well, we were planning on going out for a little trip out today and it would be wonderful if you'd come with us." Mrs. Schnapp asks me. 

"I'd love to." I smile, looking at her.

"Great. I'll see you two in a little bit." She says, leaving the room.

As soon as she's gone, Noah runs up from behind me and picks me up, throwing me on his bed. I laugh as he crawls on top of me, laying his head on my stomach and wrapping his arms around me. I shake my head and play with his hair, listening to his quiet breathing. 

We can talk later.


"Y/n!" Chloe says, running up to me and hugging me.

"Chloe!" I say laughing and hugging her back. Ever since Ebony and I made up and became actual friends, it's felt like Chloe and I have just gotten closer and closer, which is amazing. She's so nice and caring and she's a great friend.

Noah and I walk out of their house hand in hand and follow everyone out to their family car, getting into the back. As we drive, I put my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes and enjoying the moment. Being with Schnapp's is always so nice. Mrs. Schnapp has been the kindest to me and Chloe and I are getting along really well, and Mr. Schnapp is very nice. They're all just amazing people and you can see where Noah gets it from. The trees begin to thin out and soon enough we're on the familiar freeway heading somewhere fun.

I know we should be talking about all the fighting and everything going wrong in our lives, but all I want is just one good day with Noah before we do. He seems to be thinking the same thing, but neither of us address it. I guess we both just missed having fun together.


"Omgomgomgomgomg!" I scream as I cling to Noah while the rollercoaster takes us through all sorts of twists and turns.

"Hold on!" He yells laughing as we approach a huge drop. My stomach is in knots as him and I are in the front row, our feet dangling over the edge. I absolutely despise heights. Panic sets in and I squint my eyes shut, burring myself in Noah. He holds onto me tightly and laughs at how terrified I am.

 Gee, what a great boyfriend.

Suddenly we tilt and drop down, plummeting. My screams rip through the air as the breath leaves my body. We go through a series of loops that make us go upside down and my head slams back onto the headrest as we come to a unexpected halt. 

" it over?" I croak, opening my eyes.

"Yes, it's over. See I told you it wouldn't be that bad!" Noah exclaims, kissing my cheek.

"It was horrifying." I say, sending a playful glare his way.

"Oh come on, have some fun." Noah says, stepping out of the cart and putting his hand for me to take.

My feet guide me down the rickety stairs as Noah leads me to the next ride he's interested in. Rollercoasters aren't really my thing, but if Noah like them then I'll suffer through it all. Today we've had the most fun together we've had in a while and it's refreshing. I'm dreading the needed conversation that I know is going to happen later, but for now I need to think about something else. That something else being Noah.

"I love you." I mumble, sort of hoping Noah didn't hear me. I haven't heard him say that he loves me in so long and I was starting to think he doesn't. 

"I love you." He whispers, turning to me and stopping. 

His big hazel eyes bore into mine. It feels like the world around us just stopped as we look into each others eyes, everything finally feeling complete again. All of a sudden I have the urge to cry again, but I fight it, smiling and subconsciously taking my bottom lip between my teeth. 

This moment couldn't be anymore perfect.

a/n -

chin up. smile. walk away.

<3 lilia 

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