AYTOFM Prologue - Trust vs Insecurities!

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(Mature Language 18+)

"ENOUGH...!" Hunter shouted and raised his right hand such that his palm was facing straight at her.

She got scared at his sudden outburst but composed herself. She knew that she had to keep her stand if she wanted her answers.

"NO! It's my right to ask and it is not enough" snapped back Aria trying not to break into tears in front of him.

"You have no right on me... GET LOST..." Hunter completely ignored her glare and simply gestured her to get away from him by pointing his right hand index finger towards the door and turned away from her.

"What do you mean I have no right on you?? I am your wife Hunter and I love you..." Aria's tone dropped down while completing this sentence. She could not stop the tears which started to pool in her pretty doe eyes.

"LOVE...? Wow! What an irony?" Hunter asked in a completely irritated tone turning towards her and giving her anger filled sarcastic look.

"IRONY? Do you think that I fake my feelings for you?" Aria managed to ask in a slow and shocked tone.

"I don't have to think..." Hunter stated in a boring yet obvious tone which left a huge impact on her aching heart.

"So, you believe that I fake my feelings for you!" Aria felt miserable. She was unable to speak. She was deeply hurt.

"Stop it Aria. Just stop your fake tears. I just can't take it anymore. I can't believe the way you kept so many affairs even after being married to me. I can't believe how you simply threw away our marriage and my love for you. I hate myself for even falling for you. I just hate myself so much." Hunter said in a disgusted tone with a tint of hurt lacing when he mentioned the words 'marriage' and 'love'. Tears were pooling in his eyes but he knew he had to control them. He cannot be weak in front of this woman.

"WHAT...??? What are you saying Hunter? I... I don't know anything about it. I have never betrayed you. Please believe me." Aria was shocked by hearing his accusation. How could he think that she had someone else in her heart other than him? She could not stop her tears anymore.

"Why honey? Aren't you able to believe that how come, I came to know about your dark past or the dark and dirty present? Huh?" Hunter said with gritted teeth and fire oozing out of his eyes and anger lacing his tone. He still could not believe how she could manage those fake tears and how she could even put up her act of being innocent. It irked him to the core.

"No Hunter! You are wrong. I didn't do anything. I can never think of anyone else other than you." Aria said with hot tears gushing out of her eyes. Her lips were wobbling intensely.

"Wow Aria! What a smart actress." Hunter said while bowing in front of her which made her feel even more pathetic.

"You know what? You should be in Hollywood. I am sure you will be paid high; EXTREEMELYYY HIGH! You gold-digger!" Hunter's sarcasm had no limit which hurt her even more.

"Stop it..." Aria tried to stop him in a small tone. She was unable to get her voice.

"Why should I darling? When you are not ashamed of doing such things then why should I be ashamed of talking about your deeds?" Hunter said in the most obvious tone and kept throwing angry and irritated looks at her.

"HUNTER..." Aria shouted his name to stop him from saying anything more which might make her loose her temper.

"DON'T SHOUT!!!" Hunter snapped while pointing his index finger at her as a warning.

"You know, I just feel pathetic being associated with a 'characterless' woman like you Aria." Hunter stated running his hands through his hair in frustration. She could hear the hurt and helplessness of being betrayed in his voice. However, she knew that she had not betrayed him but he was not ready to listen to her.

"If... If it was in my hands I would have saved myself from this 'Unfortunate Wedding'. I would have saved myself from falling in love with you. I would have saved myself from a gold-digging witch like you. Hell, which is what I will do now. I Hate You Aria Ferguson. I Hate You! I now understand why your parents left you. You gold-digging W****!" Hunter snapped at her even after knowing that she was an orphan. His insane outburst made her flinch for a second and she just busted.

"ENOUGH HUNTER! You can't keep accusing me of things which I haven't even done." Aria busted trying to calm her racing heart. Even though she hated the fact that her husband was accusing her, she had to tell him the truth. It was his right and so she tried to say in a calm tone "Hunter, I am... I am..." but was cut by him.

"You are pregnant and you are coming from the clinic." Hunter stated in an emotionless tone leaving Aria completely surprised. She was surprised how he knew about it. She thought probably the doctor had mentioned it to him.

"Those are the Sonography Reports. And you are what; nearly 5 weeks along. Isn't it?" Hunter mentioned looking into her eyes deeply and Aria could feel a tug in her heart.

After all he cared for his child; didn't he?

"How do you know?" She couldn't help herself from asking him in a soft tone and it made him smirk at her.

"Oh! Don't Worry. I know everything Aria. It is you who doesn't know anything." Hunter said folding his hands across his chest.

"What do you mean?" Aria could sense danger but she definitely didn't expect the next set of words that came out of his mouth without any emotions.

"I mean

You don't even know who the father of this b****** is!!"

Her hand flew automatically towards him. Her small right palm rested on his left cheek with undeniable force. He was completely shocked as he did not expect her to react in this manner. She was shocked too but when compared to how hurt she was and analyzing who was the reason behind it; she knew that her shockes state could take the back seat 'for now'.

He stood there holding his cheek and kept looking at her. She kept standing in front of him like a statue. Everything was frozen in that room. Every little thing was still. Both of them were standing like some statues as if there was no more life left in them. He didn't move away from her and she could not move away from him. Everything seemed to be at standstill except for her painful tears which flowed from her eyes and made their way to her neck with no specific path. The shock on his face was now crowded by his anger. They both were frozen expect for their gazes that kept shifting from one eye to another eye. 

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Much Love,

Manasa DVLK!!

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