Chapter 21: 'Objection' My Lord!!

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Hello All! 

This will be the last chapter for this week! Now, I will be moving on to You're Mine Amor for the next week.




"Please be seated everyone!" The judge said once he was seated. All the ones present there in the courtroom seated themselves and the two lawyers from both the end stood in the front of the judge. The judge nodded at them in 'yes' and said "You may start!"

"My Lord! I am Victor Hudson and I will be fighting this case from Mr. Fox's side. These are my papers." Hunter's lawyer Victor said while passing the papers to the judge.

"My Lord! I am Daniel Sanders and I will be fighting this case from RUBY WEDDING BELLS & Co. side as well as Ms. Aria Ferguson's side. These are my papers!" Daniel said while imitating the action.

After checking their papers, the judge turned his attention towards her and asked "Ms. Aria Ferguson! You have been accused of slapping and humiliating Mr. Hunter Fox because he was getting married and also for blackmailing him from getting married to Ms. Amelia Johnson. It is also said that you were trying to portray that Mr. Fox is the father of your kids and that you were not considering the agreement! Do you accept the charges?"

"My Lord! I don't accept!!! And I want to fight these false accusations!!" Aria said looking at the judge with confidence playing on her face.

"Well, in that case; you can go ahead Mr. Hudson!" The judge said and pulled out the pen for noting the details.

"Thank you My Lord!"

"My Lord! The lady sitting in the accused chamber is none another than Mr. Fox's ex-wife. She is working as the wedding designer for Ruby Wedding Bells & Co. Am I right Ms. Ferguson?" Victor asked while evilly smirking at her. The very next instant she understood he was paid heavily by Hunter.

"Yes!" She replied maintaining the eye contact.

"That won't do Ms. Ferguson! You need to give me detailed answers. Just Yes or No will not work!" Victor said with the same smirk still intact on his face.

"Yes, I am Mr. Fox's ex-wife. Yes, I work at Ruby Wedding Bells as the wedding dress designer." Aria replied in a firm tone.

"Note this point your honour! Ms. Ferguson is Mr. Fox's EX-WIFE!!" Victor said highlighting the point of interest from his side and continued "My Lord, I request your permission to call Ms. Evelyn Cole in the witness box."

"Permission Granted!!" As soon as the judge gave his permission, Evelyn was escorted into the witness box by an officer.

"Hello Ms. Cole! How are you?"

"I am good! Thank you!"

"What do you do?" Victor asked while crossing his arms across his chest.

"I am the Manager at Ruby Wedding Bells and I am the daughter of Mr. Dawson Cole, the CEO of RWB. I handle here the first branch of RWB." Evelyn said in a slow tone trying her best not to break down after seeing her best friend in the accused box. Thinking about something and witnessing the same is totally a different case.

"Could you please tell me how do you know Ms. Ferguson?" He asked looking at the way Evelyn was stealing glances with Aria. She meant no harm obviously; it's just that seeing her friend like that stabbed her heart.

"Well, 6 years back Aria came to my office asking for a job. And, I gave her the job as the maid in my office my house. Soon we became best friends and I love her so much." She said while smiling at Aria remembering the first time she met her and how they became friends.

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