Chapter 6: Meet My Sandal !!

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(Mature Language 18 +)

"Oh no!" Aria said while placing her index finger on her temples in slight irritation.

"What happened?" Amelia asked looking at her through the mirror. She was busy curling her hair for the engagement party which would start soon.

"I forgot to get your flats. You will need them; you know just in case. They are in the car." Aria said looking back at Amelia through the mirror. Amelia had mouthed 'oh' with a slight nod of her head.

"Won't these heels do?" Amelia asked with wide eyes and her hands kept working with her curler. She had a very good practice on hair styling that she could easily do any kind of hair style without any mistake, not even with her eyes closed.

"Of course they do. But you will be standing or dancing most of the time. Heels won't be comfortable for that long. So, just in case, we also give flats for the bride's comfort you know." Aria said in a soft tone which left Amelia amazed at their thought of bride's comfort. She felt so happy that she chose them as their wedding planners.

"Wow, you just keep surprising me. I love your concepts so much." Amelia said with a wide smile on her face and with a gentle shake of her head.

"Thank you! And go easy on those curls. The soft curls will look good on your dress. Okay?" Aria said with a gentle smile and made her way to the door.

"Yeah. No problem. I am almost done." Amelia said thinking about Aria's advice. Even she felt Aria was right in asking her to stop curling her hair now.

"Alright, I will just grab your flats and come back." Aria said with a smile on her face looking at Amelia from the door and hurried her way out of the room.

She hurried down the floor thinking of how she started becoming a forgetful person since a few days. Usually she had her days' activities planned and lined up. But since a few days she has been behaving a bit different. Most of all she was being a very forgetful person. Keeping a note of her behaviour for the past 2 days, she ensured to be extra careful with her work for this engagement party. She knew she had to come through this. She was not supposed to blow it up. Evelyn's father Mr. Dawson Cole had a lot of expectations from both Evelyn and her on this project. Evelyn's parents had been a great support throughout the rough phase of her life and even after that. They were like the parents she never had. Yes, she was an orphan and grew up in several foster care centres. She had no one to call as hers till she came in contact with Hunter a few years back. With Hunter came a warm feeling in her heart which she named as 'love' and got married to him when he had proposed marriage to her. Life was a bliss for a year and a half. 6 months of dating him made her think she knew him. One year of happy marriage made her think that she knew what her life needed and how good they both were for each other. During this phase she did meet a few people; out of them Ryan Black was the one who she was quite comfortable with. He was a brother she never had. She felt so blessed and content with her life that, not only was she able to find a husband, a lover and a partner in life; but she also found a brother and in-laws. His parents were another blessing to her. But living separately she could not form a strong bond with them. They were very sweet with her and always told her about Hunter's naughtiness when he was a child. But before she could form a strong bond with her in-laws, her life turned upside down slapping her hard right on her face that 'marrying Hunter was the biggest mistake of her life'!

Aria was getting down the stairs in haste thinking about how she ended up forgetting things when she had clearly jotted down each and everything. She was not a clumsy girl, she was always a calm and a composed one. But today with the twins keeping her extra busy in the morning which resulted in skipping her breakfast followed by the terrible traffic got her a bit over worked. She had been working on Amelia's engagement party since the day Evelyn had signed the contract. She knew the twins were not supposed to be blamed. They were small and often needed her attention. As far as Amelia's wedding was concerned, she knew it was a prestigious wedding project for RWB and like always she had to give her best. But somewhere in her mind and heart she was not comfortable doing it right from the start. You call it intuition, instinct or vibes; call it anything; but something about it didn't sit well with her. To be more specific, since the day she met Amelia in her office and came to know about her 'fiancé's name', Aria's doubts started to take an intense shape. As the days passed by, she was getting more and more sceptical about this wedding. But, she knew she was not supposed to interfere in such matters. It wasn't her place to do that. Her job was only to work as a designer and get good name for RWB and everyone related to it. If Evelyn and her parents were not in the picture, she didn't even know what she would have done or gone through during that tough phase of her life when Hunter had abandoned her ruthlessly leaving her with two kids to raise and no money. Even though she was a bit off about this entire project, she decided to keep her disturbing thoughts aside and focus on the work in hand. And that is how she landed up here in this engagement party. But yes, at times one often tends to make blunders and she was no saint. Here, she was in the way to make a blunder which would turn her life completely 180◦; but the question is will this turn be a good one or a bad one?

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