Chapter 35: True Soul Mates !!!

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Hello All!

This is the last and the final chapter of this book. Yes, the epilogue!

After this there will be a thank you note and then Fun with the Story Characters Chapter!




** A few months later **

"Mr. Brentt!"

"Is she fine doctor??" Christopher asked in a worried tone while standing up from his seat and looking at Aria's gynaecologist but Aria replied him back saying, "I am fine Christopher!"

"Everything is fine. But..." The doctor said but was interrupted by an extremely worried Christopher.


Understanding his emotions, the doctor gently smiled at him and said in a soft tone, "Mrs. Brentt is a bit weak. She is not eating properly. There is no doubt that she is putting on weight but that's not enough. She is supposed to put on more weight considering she is in her fifth month now."

"I am eating doctor!" Aria tried to justify herself almost thinking about all the food she had downed in her all these months but now it looked like it was not sufficient.

"Are they safe?" Christopher asked with worry etched on his face.

"Yes as of now they both are fine. They are really fine!" The doctor said in a calm tone understanding what must be going on in this man's mind while Christopher heaved a sigh of relief.

"But you need to keep an eye on what she is eating. And she isn't doing any exercises." The doctor said while looking at Aria while she smiled sheepishly at the doctor. It was true that Aria was not a fan of exercises.

"I don't understand, I always see what she is eating. And believe me doctor she is eating and I am ensuring that she is doing some 'exercises'." Christopher said while looking at Aria with a smirk on his face making Aria completely feel embarrassed in front of her doctor. He didn't have to hint the doctor about their 'daily' sex life!! God, what a shameless man she got married to!!

"I meant the breathing exercises Mr. Brentt. You need to ensure that she is doing them. They will really help her during labour. You can also consult prenatal classes for that." The doctor said while laying a special stress on the words breathing exercises. She was a 50 year old lady, she obviously knew what secret talk this young couple were having amongst them! She clearly understood that this young man was a naughty and a shameless guy while his wife was a total sweetheart.

"And as far as her eating aspect is concerned, if you say that she is eating then clearly that's not sufficient. You have to increase her meal quantities. And don't let her eat all in one go. Keep feeding her something or the other in every 2 hours. Also, keep a thorough check on her water intake. It is very obvious that she needs a lot of water in her body right now. She needs to be hydrated enough and then she will be all fine." The doctor said with a gentle smile playing on her lips.

"Okay! Thank you doctor. Is there anything else I can do?" He asked in a genuinely concerned tone. All naughtiness and shamelessness vanished in thin air.

"Yes, please give her fresh coconut water. It contains many minerals which will help her and the little baby. And if possible, please avoid outside food. Give her everything homemade, fresh and easy foods that will digest faster." The doctor suggested while he nodded his head in 'yes' saying, "Okay! I will take care of that!"

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