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After their arrangement of becoming friends, the pair didn't see each other until Thursday. During those five days, Skylar tried to catch up on her lessons and attended some more courses voluntarily. She had already so many things to tell Bruce, wanting to know his opinions and take on various things.

Meanwhile, she never missed the news. Every morning the newscast would talk about how many criminals Batman and Robin caught the night before. Commissioner Gordon has also released a statement, about Arkham Asylum and the improvement they had made on making sure no one could escape again.

Skylar was now more sure, Gotham had way more action than Metropolis. Somehow, she wasn't concerned. Maybe it was experiencing everything back in Metropolis, coming face to face with death a couple of times while Superman was handling whoever attacked the city, but she continued her life normally. A lot of people seemed to do that.

Another reason she watched the news was to see whether Hawkins and his boss, Mandragora had been captured. Bruce told her over text that it'd be public, no major media outlet would miss that kind of news. However, so far nothing was on.

Meanwhile, Skylar had also finally gathered her courage to call her family. She told them she moved to Gotham and also transferred schools because of more possible job opportunities there. As expected her parents were surprised but quickly adapted. They also haven't mentioned anything out of the ordinary which really gave her relief on Hawkins wasn't going after them.

Around Thursday noon Bruce texted Skylar. He asked whether 8 PM was a good time for her and if she could find the restaurant on her own. Skylar typed the restaurant's name and saw that it was a real fancy one.

It was in one of the skyscrapers, with a view of the whole city. It was also close to her apartment, about a fifteen-minute walking distance. She quickly texted him back saying the time was good and she'd manage on her own.

After that, she watched a movie, took a shower and started getting ready. It was a fancy restaurant and she didn't want to seem either underdressed or overdressed for it. It took her a while to choose a dress that fit for it.

Around seven-thirty she walked out of the apartment. It wasn't a long walk and she was at the entrance of the skyscraper shortly. Skylar went in and walked to the elevator. She had no idea which floor the restaurant was in but she hoped the buttons in the elevator would help her.

When she stepped out she was greeted with an amazing view of the city. All the tables were distant from each other, meaning people would easily be able to have private conversations. The light was a bit dim but the candles in the middle of the tables helped the brightness enough.

A woman greeted her. " Hello, welcome to the Hillstone, your name please?" she asked. Skylar didn't know what to answer. This didn't seem like a place you could just walk in without reservations. Did Bruce made one?

" Miss?" the woman asked again. Skylar gulped. " Skylar Jones," she said. The woman smiled and started looking down at her chart. After a minute she looked up again. "Yes, reservation for two, follow me please,"

Then she took Skylar to a table, farthest away from the others and with possibly the best view in there. " Your waiter will be with you any moment," she said then left. Right after she did a man dressed in a professional outfit came.

" Good evening Miss, I will be your waiter for the night. While you are waiting for your guest may I offer you a beverage?" he asked. " Uh, sure, water please," she replied and the waiter nodded.

While she was waiting Skylar took out her phone and sent Bruce a text saying she was there. Then she started to go through her social media to spend the time. She was so invested in a flood she was reading on Twitter when she heard a cough.

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