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" Yes," he said, " I'm Batman,"

Skylar gasped even though she had figured the truth already, but hearing him say it aloud must've been different for her. " Oh my god!" she exclaimed. " How did you figure it out?" he asked.

She sighed. " I put the pieces together," she replied. Bruce gave her a look so she rolled her eyes. " Cmon," she breathed out, grabbing his hand and dragging him to the sofa. They both sat there and she turned to him.

" The calls and messages you keep getting. It's out of nowhere and suddenly you have to leave, and then there's a news flash that something has happened, Joker, Harley Quinn, someone. Plus, I've realized that whenever you have to leave, your infamous bat signal seems to be on," Skylar explained, smirking at the end.

Bruce shrugged. " Also, the fact that you have bruises all around your body," she admitted. He rolled his tongue. "Ah, you didn't miss that," he said. Skylar put up her hands in the air as a form of response. " It's kinda hard to miss, you know, when doing what we did,"

He nodded, not being able to answer. He had hoped she'd focus on other things on the night they spent together. Her point had led the conversation to somewhere else, where Bruce wasn't ready to talk, and she was quick to catch on it. She gulped before changing the topic, " And when you said you had enemies that would want to hurt you, it makes sense,"

"Wow," Bruce breathed out. " I mean, I knew you were smart but you are the first person to figure out my identity, ever," he added. It was true, the facade he had, the show he put on as Bruce Wayne, it was all really a play to keep his identity hidden.

Skylar smiled triumphantly. " It's probably because you never let someone close to you, it only took two months of being your friend, and great observational skills," she said. She was true, yet again. The only people who Bruce let get close to him was Alfred and Dick. He chucked at the last remark.

" So, the cat's out of the bag, I'm assuming you have questions," he said. Skylar nodded. " Yes, so many! Where do even begin? I can't believe this is real, wow, okay, here I go," she started rambling.

" How did you learn to fight like that? How can you move that way? Are you and the others in the Leauge really friends? Can Aquaman really talk to fish? Did Superman and Wonder Woman really had a thing going on? How many other heroes do you really know outside the Leauge? Have you been to space? Is it true that Superman is faster than the Flash? What's it all like? "

Bruce watched her list questions, amused. When she was done she looked at him with such big eyes, as if she was a child who asked her mother for extra candy. " In my travels, it was included in my training, yes-- uh kinda, apparently the water does the talking, yes for a while, it was a long time ago, I know plenty, yes, no Flash is faster, it's my job," he answered them.

" I have so many more questions just based on your reply," Skylar said. " This is so unreal, I can't believe this," she huffed, laying back on the couch and occasionally looking at Bruce. " Wait!" she exclaimed suddenly. " This explains everything!"

Bruce furrowed his brows, sometimes even he couldn't keep up with Skylar. " The night we met, all of it," she added. " Ahh, yes," Bruce muttered. " Do you want to know about that night, honestly?" he asked. She nodded.

" Well, we were suspicious of Mandragora for a while, that he was getting his hands dirty. But we couldn't do as the Leauge, I mean the guy is hardly like the other people we stop. He doesn't attack the city, he takes care of things like the mobster he is, so we had to come up with a plan to take him down in a different way," he started explaining.

" Hence the reason why Bruce Wayne suddenly decided to expand to Metropolis," Skylar said and Bruce nodded. " Exactly, that's why I was sure Hawkins would accept whatever I offered, he was going to jump to the deal, it was all just a show. I didn't want them being suspicious so I had to play it off as I was really interested, especially with the other companies,"

Catching I Bruce WayneWhere stories live. Discover now