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A month had passed since Skylar's arrival on Themyscira. After some time she warmed up to the woman there, most of them were friendly toward her anyway, and soon she stopped feeling like a burden there.

For the first week, she spent there Diana helped her come to terms with the torture she went through and helped her accept it, moving in from it. She was constantly in contact with the Leauge and she learned that he was now locked up in Belle Reve, a jail with the reputation of being inescapable. That gave her a huge relief.

On top of that, she learned to control her powers. One very important key factor was to keep her emotions in check. Before they would come out when she was heavily feeling something, thus being uncontrolled, but now, she was trained. She didn't burst into flames anymore.

A heat of warm would cover her body, her eyes changed to orange when she used her powers. She didn't burn anything if she didn't want to, and with wearing inflammable clothes, she wasn't damaging anything.

The flames would come when she used all of her powers, when she forced herself to the limit. Other than that, she was now in total control of her powers. She could shoot flames from her hands and feet, it was pretty much like fire-bending from the cartoon Avatar.

Diana also taught her how to fly, she was still a bit behind on that one, but at least she wasn't falling to her butt now, just had trouble staying in the air and defending herself was a bit tricky. But only flying was okay, she was able to do it. Plus, she didn't think there'd be any scenarios where she had to be in that situation, being a hero.

Skylar was sitting with Sofia, Mala, and Oeone after lunch, watching a training match go between two Amazon's when Diana approached her. " Hey!" Skylar greeted, getting up and hugging her. The truth was they had become close friends in the months she spent here.

Diana had been gone for the last three days, something about a Leauge operation and a UN meeting going down. Diana was the representative of Themyscira in the United Nations, just like Aquaman was for Atlantis. After they've surfaced they've become the diplomats for their respective homelands.

" You seem to be fitting in here pretty well," Diana commented, eyeing the piece Skylar was wearing. Since she didn't know how long she was staying on the island she didn't know how many clothes to bring, plus, there was a system working here and she didn't want to be disrespectful toward it, so, after a few weeks, she asked Sofia for some clothes.

Skylar nodded. " Yeah, they're so comfortable," she replied. " And much room to fight in as well," Mala added. Skylar smirked. " Well, I wouldn't know about that part, but it sure seems like it," she said, looking over to the Amazons fighting. She wondered if she could be like that, learn to protect herself, not just based on her powers, but by learning how to fight.

Diana caught the longing look in Skylar but she didn't say anything about it and changed the subject. " I was talking to the Leauge, and we all agree that you're ready now," she said. Skylar turned to her, her brows furrowed. " Ready to go back?" she asked, her tone raising out of excitement.

" Yes," Diana nodded, " I was talking it over with my mother too, she has been supervising your process as well, and we both think you don't pose a threat anymore, you're in total control," she continued. " Yeah, she is," Oeone said, getting up with a smile on her face. " If you're okay with it, we could leave at midnight,"

Skylar was surprised as she turned to Diana once again. " Tonight?" she asked. Diana nodded. " Yes, I have to be at Washington tomorrow, I'm sure you missed Gotham too," she said. Skylar bit her lip. She did. She missed the city and the people she cared about in the city. Bruce. " That just means that we have to show Skylar how the Amazons farewell each other, until next time," Sofia said, patting on Skylar's shoulder. She smiled in return. " That'll be cool,"

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