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Three weeks had passed since the dinner Skylar and Bruce had. During those weeks both of them had been very busy and had only met up once. Skylar was busy with her classes, after checking the course calendar more properly she had found more classes she could attend to.

Even though she wasn't taking the exams or doing the assignments she was still studying for it. She had gone to the university's library then to the Gotham City Public Library to pick out some books that could help her understand the subjects better.

Just like Bruce said the next day after their dinner the morning news was talking about Hawkins. The raid in Metropolis went well and the police managed to take everyone. The one in Gotham however, somehow Mandragora was tipped off and he escaped. Most of his men were captured but he was gone.

While Skylar was in the library reading an article on International Political Economy when Bruce texted her that whether she was free tomorrow for lunch. She had a class but they hadn't met up in a long time so she decided to ditch it. He asked her to come over to Wayne Enterprises and they could decide where to eat from there.

She had never been there but once passed closed when she was walking around the city to pass some time. It was a very big building that captured your attention. It had a big logo of the letter 'W' at the top. Skylar was kind of sure that's where Bruce's office was supposed to be, on the top floor and now she was going to find it out.

Bruce told her he had a meeting starting at 11 AM, it was a weekly budget meeting with his staff and it shouldn't take longer than an hour. An hour and a half at max so they decided to meet around 12.30 PM.

Since Skylar's first month at Gotham was nearing she had learned how to use the public transformation properly. She learned the bus numbers, the routes of both buses and the subway. It was fairly easy once you learned several hotspots. Gotham was a big city but after almost a month she could find her way easily now.

So a little before 12 Skylar left the apartment and started to walk to the bus stop. She needed to take this one to the transport station and then another one to get to where Wayne Enterprises where. Since it was midday there was almost no traffic so it shouldn't have taken her a long time to get there, just about thirty minutes.

Just like she had planned Skylar was standing outside of Wayne Enterprises roughly thirty minutes later. She walked in and a security guard immediately stopped her. "Excuse me miss but if you don't have the clearance I can't let you through,"

" Uh, I was actually invited by Bruce Wayne, he's expecting me," she answered. The guard looked her up and down for a while, probably determining whether she was lying or not based on her appearance.  " I need to call it in," he said.

Then he took a step backward and grabbed a walkie-talkie from the security counter. " What is your name miss?" he asked her. "Skylar Jones," she replied. Then he brought the device to his mouth, " I have a Skylar Jones here saying Mr.Wayne was expecting her," he said.

At first, nothing happened but the sizzling coming from the device but then a woman spoke up. "This is Claire from Mr.Wayne's office, you can send Miss Jones up," she said. Skylar looked at the guard with a smile. " Which floor?"

Just as she expected Bruce's office was on the top floor.  While inside the elevator she couldn't help but get excited. This was the first time she'd see Bruce in his work environment. Here he wasn't just her friend Bruce but rather the businessman Bruce Wayne.

When she reached the floor she immediately spotted Bruce's office. His name was written in big shiny letter and it was hard to miss. There was a desk in front of the door which Skylar could only assume was his secretary's but she was nowhere to be seen.

Catching I Bruce WayneWhere stories live. Discover now