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It had been a month since the engagement. The baby was a little over four months which meant her baby bump was now showing a little and in two to three weeks they'd be able to learn the gender of their baby. Lois wanted to throw Skylar a baby shower like her life depended on it but she wasn't sure.

Another major thing was that Bruce and Skylar went public with their relationship for real and it was not like Skylar expected. Hannah and the girls were surprised at first but quickly adjusted to the fact that the girl they gossiped about was her. The reveal made the girls bond even more.

Her new boss called Skylar into her office and Skylar thought she would either scold her or be completely nice because she was now engaged to Bruce but no she gave a speech about that she should not be expected to treated differently because of her relationship, her boss would certainly not and she said that she understood why Skylar kept her relationship a secret.

Other than that her life was simply perfect right now - nothing could ruin it. She was now headed back to the office after her lunch break with Hannah and the other girls. Right, when she was about to enter the building she stopped when she heard someone talking to her.

" Hey mama," the familiar voice said. Skylar turned to the source of the voice and spotted Hal leaning on the wall and smiling at her. " Hal! You're back!" she exclaimed and reached for a hug. " When did you get back?" she asked.

He was off-world for a while now, she didn't know the specifics but it was a mission that needed multiple Lanterns and it had been almost two months already. " Couple of days," he replied. " But forget about me, you've got all the news to share," he smirked.

Skylar smiled. " Yeah, I guess so," she said. " How's Carol?" she asked. " Oh, she's fine, a little pissed that I've been gone so long, because, cmon, who wouldn't miss this piece of fine art?" he gestured to himself. Skylar chuckled. " Yeah, sure,"

" Anyway, since you mentioned Carol, here, it's from both of us," he handed a small bag to Skylar. "What's this?" she asked surprised. " A little something from Uncle Hal and Auntie Carol," he replied. " Oh my god, you guys shouldn't have, thank you," she said and hugged him again.

He shrugged. " Don't be ridiculous mama," he laughed. " Thanks again," she murmured. " Wait, please tell me you haven't come all this way just to give me this," she said. He shook his head. " Ugh, I wish, his highness asked me to come," Hal replied.

Skylar furrowed her brows. " Bruce?" she asked. He nodded. " Yeah, he asked me for a favor, some investigating, I don't really know the details," he explained. " Oh," was all Skylar said. After that small talk, both of them went up to Bruce's office.

" Hey Skylar," Claire greeted the pair. " Hey Claire, how are you?" Skylar asked. She smiled. " Fine, and you? Is the little fella tiring you out yet?" Claire asked in return. Skylar shrugged. " Eh, just the normal amount,"

Claire giggled at the response. " This is Hal Jordan, our friend," Skylar introduced. Claire gave him a standard smile. " You're the 1:15 appointment?" she asked. Hal nodded while Skylar narrowed her eyes. " He gave you an appointment?" she murmured, confused. " That's hilarious,"

" He's waiting, you can go in," Claire said. " Thanks," Skylar said and they went inside. Bruce was seated in his chair, writing or signing some papers when they stepped inside. " Took you long enough Jordan," he murmured.

Hal shrugged. " What can I say? The company kept me busy," he smirked. Bruce looked up with a smug in his face but it softened when his eyes landed on Skylar. He got up and quickly kissed her cheek. " Hi, honey," he whispered.

" So, why am I here for?" Hal asked, gesturing with his hands. Bruce quickly checked whether they closed the door and then clicked a button on his desk. A hologram screen appeared over his desk.

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