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Things were stirring up. Both inside and outside of Gotham. Bruce had been busy with what seemed to be the longest time. The only free time he had was when he organized the barbecue thing, other than that he had been working non-stop.

He had been chasing the Riddler for more than a month now, this time he was better at cleaning up after him, leaving little to none trail, so it was tricky to track him. The places he attacked seemed to have no pattern as well, so Bruce couldn't stop the attacks beforehand.

He was also looking for other facilities, he had only found another one, down in Georgia, and he and the Leauge bust the people out of there, transferring them to S.T.A.R Labs about a week and a half ago. Luthor had now caught onto them so he was being more careful.

The only thing that was significantly good was last week when Bruce and Skylar went to Central City and Bruce met Skylar's parents. It went considerably well, and afterward, Skylar said her parents liked him. Even though he tried not to show it, he was a bit excited and nervous for it to happen. It turned out fine in the end, her dad even gave him a pat on the shoulder before they left.

Bruce was now sitting at his office, reviewing some of the stuff he was sent, about Luthor's intentions, who else were involved and the crime reports on the Riddler's last attack. He also asked Claire to keep everyone out unless it was important, or Skylar.

Then his phone rang. It wasn't the corporate line but his personal number, whom only a numbered of people had. It was Clark. " What happened?" he answered the phone. " Nothing, why? Can't I call my best friend without something going down?"

Bruce sighed. " What's up?" he asked. " I need your insight on something," Clark said. " Is it related to work?" Bruce asked again. Clark took a deep breath. " No man, look, I'm hiding from Lois at the moment, because she can't hear, and it's about the thing," he quickly replied.

" Ohh, the thing," Bruce mocked and he could almost picture Clark rolling his eyes. " What about it? Was something wrong with it? Dave was supposed to deliver it to you two days ago," he said. " No, no, I got it, but have you seen it?"

Bruce quickly opened the mail that Dave sent him and looked at the pictures. He had seen them before but didn't get the chance to do it properly, so now he was. " Looking at 'em right now," he answered. " So, what do you think?" Clark asked. " You know Lois better than me Clark," he replied.

" Yes but you're the famous women expert," Clark quickly said, " Erm, were, is, I don't know, point is, you're good at it," he rambled. Bruce held back a chuckle. " It looks just fine Clark, Dave's an amazing artist and I'm sure Lois would love it. Are you sure you're not worried about asking her rather than the rest?"

Clark took a deep breath. " What if she says no?" he asked. " Yeah, maybe she had enough of being kidnapped and thrown from buildings so far so she wants out," Bruce replied. " That's not funny," Clark replied. " Sure," he laughed, " You two practically act married already Kent, don't worry about the answer, all you should worry about are the wedding expenses on a reporter's salary, two reporters salary actually,"

Bruce was picking Skylar up from her work that day. They were going to attend an event together tonight. He was waiting in his car across the street from the cafe she worked at.

He was there five minutes before her shift was supposed to be over so he didn't have to wait for long. As soon as she was done, she quickly crossed the street and got inside the car. " So, how was your day?" Bruce asked while driving to her house after their initial greeting.

" It was fine, a bit busy in the lunch break," she replied, " Yours?" she added. Bruce shrugged. " Same old," he replied. " Did you see Gavin today?" Skylar asked. He furrowed his brows. " No, why?" he asked back.

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