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Right after the dinner, Bruce was notified by Alfred that he had found something regarding the kidnapped people. So after getting Skylar home, he went back to his house to look it up.

Apparently all the people kidnapped either now or at some point in their life worked at LexCorp or a corporation connected to it. That was bad, he had found the connection between the victims but basing it on this there was no possible way he could anticipate who'd get kidnapped next.

The safest thing would be to increase surveillance on where LexCorp companies were and someone be a scout while an attack happened nearby.

Sighing Bruce got up and put on his costume. He had to notify the rest of the League. Maybe they could finally involve the Green Arrow, Queen Industries could sure help against everything that's been going on. They had worked with Arrow a couple of times and he proved himself to be a good ally. Plus, Barry was on Bruce's ass on letting the Arrow in.

He decided to do all of it the next day, right now he had to go patrolling. Because of the dinner, he had Robin go out before he did. Bruce quickly put on his costume and joined him.

The next two days were busy for Bruce. He had gotten slightly hurt the night before and he had to rest for a while. Resisting Alfred's warnings he got up and went to talk with that scientist on what he knew.

It was hard to find that scientist at first, apparently, he had quit right after the accident. Bruce found him in the king suite of a hotel partying with a woman. Ten minutes upon finding him, he had learned that he got paid to specifically wake up Metallo.

Someone in a black ski mask contacted him and gave him the money after he was done. Based on the description, they were the same man who had done the kidnappings. Bruce had taken the suitcase they gave the scientist the money to further investigate it.

He brought it back to the Batcave to look for fingertips or anything else that might be a lead. While he was waiting on the results he started to look over the files of LexCorp employes, the ones he could find anyway, to maybe predict something.

Alfred had come in with tea and some biscuits after a while. " Any way I could be of help, sir?" he asked. " Let me know if something comes out of the system," Bruce replied while strolling his chair to his side computer to get the results on the suitcase.

Unfortunately, there were no fingertips but he did find some remains of fuel. The type of fuel that was used on rockets and many devices, much like the ones LexCorp owned or subsidiaries.

Bruce got up from his chair and quickly sent a message to the Leauge to meet in the Watchtower in ten minutes. After that, he went there and called Barry, asking him to bring the Arrow with him. Barry was happy to hear it and he said he'd get right on it. Star City was close to Central City so the Flash and the Green Arrow worked together for many things.

Ten minutes later everyone was there. " What's going on? Why did you call the emergency meeting? I was about to fly our latest plane," Hal asked. " Yeah, and I was winning the race with Supes over here," Barry said, mumbling at the end.

Diana sighed. " I'm literally working with children," she said. " So, is this what your Leauge of Justice meetings go like," Green Arrow spoke up. " It's Justice Leauge, and no, it is not," Jonn replied.

" I found some things, regarding the kidnappings. I also interrogated the scientist. I think what we're up against is far worse than we anticipated," Batman spoke up. " Man in black-ski masks, like the kidnappers approached him and offered him money. I inspected the suitcase and found the remains of fuel on the side of it. The kind used by LexCorp, more importantly, all the victims have been or still are employes of LexCorp,"

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