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After the meeting, everyone got to work except for Dick and Damian. They'd go back to the Team headquarters but it was still nighttime there and they were sleeping. They trained for a while and then grabbed breakfast.

Dick admitted to himself that when Damian wasn't being a dick, no pun intended, he was actually quite fun to hang out with. He was obviously more mature than kids his age so they got along.

When it was finally around 9 around where the Team where they Zeta tubed there. Once they got there most of them were awake. Artemis was trying to cook breakfast for everyone while Wally was keep eating the stuff she cooked. Kaldur was trying to help but Garfield was under his feet trying to grab something to eat.

The rest were watching them and laughing. " Hey, team!" Dick said loudly. Damian was standing next to him, wearing his usual smug and black sunglasses- like Dick used to, and he was observing the people before them. " Oh hey! Who's this?" M'gann asked. She obviously knew but was playing nice.

" I'm Robin," Damian replied. " What? Big B didn't give him the identity permission yet?" Wally asked as he stuffed a waffle to his mouth. " Nah, he's edgy like that," Dick replied, patting Damian. " Well, does this Robin have an actual name?" Rachel asked and hopped off the counter.

Damian looked at her. " Damian," he replied. " Nice to meet you, I'm Rachel," she replied. Soon everyone started to introduce themselves. Cassie walked up to Dick. " Hey, do you know where Tim is? He's not answering my texts, is he still away?" she asked.

" Oh yeah, he's still away. I'm sure he'll get back to you as soon as he can," Dick replied. Cassie frowned. " Oh, okay," she mumbled and walked back to the table. With the distraction that came from Dick and Damian's arrival, Artemis and Kaldur actually managed to finish cooking.

As everyone was sitting at the table Wally walked toward Dick. He was holding a cereal box and eating from it. " So this is him?" Wally asked in a low tone. Dick nodded. " Yup, in the flesh," he replied. " Doesn't seem so bad," Wally mumbled. Dick shrugged. " Yeah,"

Then they went an joined everyone. As they were eating Dick told the Team about what they found and explained the plan. All the kids were happy because it meant they wouldn't go to school today. " Okay, I want Team Beta to be stationed inside and outside of the diplomat's room. You'll be the close guard. The rest of us will be on a nearby location, watching the place. If they come, we'll be the first thing they face," he said.

" Except, I need someone to switch with M'gann this time. This Zero, she's no joke and if it goes south I need her to go into her mind and make her sleep," Dick said. M'gann had amazing telepathic abilities, J'onn - the Martian Manhunter - even admitted that she was far more powerful than him. She could get into someone's mind and make them go to sleep. She could probably do worse but she chose not to.

" I'll swap places," Kaldur offered. " Alright, great," Connor said. " Can we go on with eating? I'm starving," he said. " Wait, what about me?" Damian asked. " You're sticking with me kid," Dick replied.

Damian crossed his arms. " Don't call me a kid," he pouted. " But you're the youngest here," Dick playfully said. " No, I'm not," he argued. Damien looked at to the table. " Don't look at me dude, I'm fourteen," Garfield said and shrugged.

" I'm thirteen," Rachel said. Damian groaned. He was twelve. He didn't feel twelve but he was. Some people chuckled. " Well, if it helps, I'm around ten," Connor said and smiled at Damian. " Yeah but you don't look like it," he responded back.

Dick chuckled. " Admit it, you're the kid," he said. It felt nostalgic and kind of good to be the one calling someone 'kid' and not being called a kid. " I'm 27 and I still go by Kid Flash," Wally murmured. " Yeah, maybe it's time for a name update sweetie," Artemis said and squeezed Wally's cheek.

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