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( There will be time jumps, after every double spaced paragraph break, it's a time jump)

When Skylar woke up, she was tied to a chair. She could also hear two voices having a heated debate.

" What the fuck were you thinking Slade?" The first voice hissed. " I saw an opportunity, and used it," the second replied. It was a familiar voice. She slowly opened her eyes. Deathstroke was standing a few meters away from her, talking to an older guy dressed in green robes.

He looked familiar too, Skylar knew she saw a picture of him before in Bruce's files and forced herself to remember. " What kind of an opportunity? The detective won't be pleased," The green robe guy spoke again.

" So what? Who gives a damn what Batman feels? Isn't this what you wanted? I'm giving you what you wanted all along on a silver platter old man," Deathstroke said sharply, crossing his arms. Skylar was intrigued by the conversation. Did the guy mean Bruce when he said 'the detective'? Slade looked pissed and the other guy was in deep thought with a pinch of anger.

Then another voice joined the conversation. " Gentleman, our guest is awake," a woman's voice said. Skylar hadn't spotted her before. She was standing to her left, a bit out of her sight, and she walked toward the two men.

She had dark brown hair and emerald eyes and a darker skin like the man in green robes. They kind of resembled each other too. With her interruption, all three of them turned to Skylar. " Look at that, mommy is awake," Deathstroke smirked.

Skylar tried to respond but her mouth was taped as well and she only made some loud muffled voices. " For God's sake, she's pregnant, I'm taking that off," the woman said and walked toward Skylar, taking her tape off.

" I am going to give you ten seconds to untie me or I am burning this place down," Skylar threatened, her voice as cold and threatening as she ever could. The man in green robe faintly smiled. It was as if he was mocking her. " I'd like to see you try," he mused.

Skylar furrowed her brows, imagining blasting flames throughout her body and getting out of here, but nothing was happening. " What the fuck?" she mumbled to herself. The woman standing beside her flicked her tongue and pointed to Skylar's neck. That's when she realized she had the inhibitor collar on her.

Goddamn inhibitor collars.

" Talia," the man in green called, " Please take our guest to her room," he continued. " Sure thing," Talia replied, kneeling down and starting to untie Skylar. She was confused as hell, yes, she might not have her powers as of right now, but she still knew how to fight and these people were stupid if they thought she wouldn't try to fight her way out of this.

So, as soon as her hands were free, she jumped from the chair, going straight to the target near her. Talia. As they sparred Skylar realized the other men were not participating and almost had an amused look on their faces.

Talia didn't look nervous at all too and that didn't help Skylar's confidence at all. If she was able to use her powers this fight be long over but unfortunately she didn't. Soon, Talia had defeated her and she was on her back on the ground.

" I could go for more but I can't say the same for you, what a pity," Talia said with a smirk. " Now get up and don' try anything or I won't hesitate to hurt you," she said. Skylar frowned and got up. They walked out of the room and started walking in the halls.

Skylar was eyeing the place. " Where are we?" she asked. " Infinity Island," Talia replied. Skylar furrowed her brows in response. She never heard of that place. " I'm not giving you more information, the less you know, the better," Talia said.

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