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The next morning Skylar woke up with a killer headache. " Oh, god," she mumbled to herself as she made her way into the bathroom. " Note to self, never mix that much again,"

In about thirty minutes she was feeling more like herself. She had taken a painkiller and was now standing in her kitchen with her hair in a bun and in her robes making coffee. That's when her when alerted her. She took out her phone to check it out only when she saw the time.

It was nearing at 3 PM. "Wow," she said, she had slept for a while. She had to admit, ever since he moved to Gotham she was more relieved, more relaxed. She wasn't as stressed as she was back in Metropolis. And it was mainly because of Bruce. She smiled with the thought of that.

Ten minutes later Skylar was sitting in front of her TV, a cup of coffee and her phone on each of her hands. There was nothing good on so she decided on leaving it on a gossip program. She was skipping through social media when she heard something from the TV.

" As you know the event for Gotham's Founding day was held yesterday evening lead by the mayor. What's intriguing is Bruce Wayne was seen with a woman. Sources say the pair have been spotted before together, and Mr.Wayne not hosting his famous parties as much as before is raising questions,"

Skylar watched the screen with her jaw dropped. Just as the woman was talking a picture of her and Bruce from last night was seen on the screen. She was looking away and if she didn't know for a fact she was present yesterday she couldn't tell that it was her.

" I know Joy, but I think the question we all wonder is the same, is this mysterious woman the one? The one to tame the Bruce Wayne?" The other woman on the talk show said with a smirk. Skylar felt blood rushing to her cheeks.

This was not happening. She felt a pressure on her, what if Bruce watched it too? What if he was repelled by it? If he felt pressured into feeling something he wasn't feeling.

With a gulp, she grabbed her phone, calling Bruce. Her heartbeat fastened as it beeped. He picked it up after two, " Good morning sunshine," he said playfully. Skylar bit her lip. " What?" she exclaimed into the phone.

" Isn't that one of the pop references you're trying to teach me?" he asked. She took a deep breath. " Oh, oh, yeah, it is," she mumbled. " Is something wrong?" Bruce asked, his tone getting serious instantly. She sighed. " I'm guessing your TV isn't on right now," she said. " No, should it be?"

" I was just watching a show called 'Gotham Gossip'," Skylar admitted. " Oh, no, what did they say?" Bruce asked with a tired tone. " That I was your girlfriend," she said quietly. " Okay, I'll take care of it, how are you by the way?" he asked.

Skylar furrowed her brows. " What do you mean? she asked back. " You seemed like you'd have an awesome hangover judging by last night," he answered, his playful sound is back. She huffed. " Oh, yeah, uhm, I took a pill,"

" Bruce, thank you, for last night, getting me home and, uhm, everything," Skylar mumbled. " It was my pleasure, it was the least I could do after leaving you alone," he replied. She bit the insides of her cheeks, trying not to smile.

" Clark called me earlier, apparently Lois had so much fun with you. They are coming over in a bit for the interview and are wondering if we'd be available to have dinner with them tonight, the four of us. They also have an early flight tomorrow to Metropolis,"

Skylar listened quietly. She liked Lois too, she was feisty and energized. Such a positive person to be around. " I would love to! When?" she exclaimed. " Let's say 8.30?"

For the rest of the day, Skylar mostly relaxed, trying to get her head straight. Her body was still a bit tired from the night before. She also quickly cleaned up the little mess she made last night.

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