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The next morning Skylar woke up around 11 AM. She turned around in the bed to find Bruce awake and doing something on his phone. "Good morning," she mumbled, sitting up with the sheets covering her. " How long have you been up?" she asked.

Bruce put the phone to the nightstand beside the bed and turned to her. " Morning, a while," he replied. " I didn't want you to wake up alone," he added. Skylar smiled. "Thanks, don't you need to get to the office?"

" I do, in two hours," he said. "Okay, how about this? You go take a shower and I'll make my killer pancakes," she offered. Bruce cocked an eyebrow. " Oh, the infamous ones I've heard so much about?"

Skylar nodded again. " Yes, so what do you say?" she asked. " Alright, I guess I can go for pancakes," he said. She waited until he got out of the bed and into the bathroom to get up. She did stare at his back for a few seconds too, and she had realized the bruises.

She didn't want to say anything but she had seen a couple of bruises across his body last night. Skylar had no idea how or why he had them and didn't want to pressure him into telling something he was ready but she was curious.

With a huff, she got out of the bed, quickly wearing a hoodie and shorts then made her way over to the kitchen. As she started to take out the ingredients and the pan she couldn't help but wonder now that they've done what they did last night how would it affect them.

She didn't regret it, not one bit, but she wanted to know how Bruce felt. He certainly didn't seem like he was regretting it last night but maybe his opinions changed. Skylar meant what she said last night, she didn't want to lose Bruce from her life.

Twenty minutes later the pancakes were almost ready when Bruce got out of the shower. He collected his clothes from the floor of the bedroom and put them on then walked toward the kitchen. " Do you want me to iron them?" Skylar asked.

" No need, it's not my first time wearing the same thing twice," he replied. She cocked an eyebrow. " Okay," she mumbled. " What do you got planned for today?" Bruce asked. Skylar shrugged as she put one of the newly cooked pancakes to the plate.

" I don't know, not much honestly. I haven't been to any classes for the past week or so and this week's about to end, I guess I'll just skip it altogether, you?" she replied. Bruce walked into the kitchen, toward the coffee machine to be exact, and started making some.

After turning the machine on he leaned to the counter, crossing his arms on his chest and watching Skylar. " I've got a couple of meetings at the company, I've also promised Dick to take him out tonight," he said.

Skylar grabbed the plates full of pancakes after cooking the last one and put it into the counter on the side. " Sounds busy," she said taking out the sauces. " Yeah," he mumbled. At his response, she didn't say anything and sat on one of the stools.

Right then the coffee machine beeped and Bruce turned around, pouring it into two cups. He then opened the fridge, taking out the milk and adding it to one of the cups. He put it next to Skylar plate, " With milk right?" he asked.

" Yup," she replied, taking a sip and watching him. " Cmon, try it, I want to know what you think of my cooking," she said with a smile, trying to change the air. " Okay," he said with a faint smile, cutting out a piece and eating it.

After a second he started nodding. " Not bad," he said. Skylar gasped, " NOT BAD? You're kidding," she exclaimed. Bruce chuckled. " Yeah, I am, it's delicious," he said. She rolled her eyes at him.

For the next half hour, they ate and joked. Skylar could sense he was purposely holding himself off but she decided not to say anything, for now, to see if he could come to terms with it himself. He'd eventually tell her, she knew it.

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