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" Alright, now, I want you to block my attacks," Bruce instructed. After Skylar's request, they had been training for the past two weeks and a half. So far he had shown her how the postures and positions to do, how to block attacks but never asked her to actually do it, except for when he demonstrated something.

They were in the Batcave, where Bruce and Dick usually trained. There was some other equipment around that Bruce usually had Skylar practice. " Okay," Skylar replied. " As promised, don't go easy on me, sugar," she added. He smirked. " You know that I never do,"

Then he threw a punch toward her head. Skylar took a step to the left and avoided it. Shortly, his leg followed for a kick, and Skylar blocked it with her elbow and pushed it away. Bruce smirked and aimed at her waist. She was lightly hit and took a step back.

He threw a punch toward her upper body but this time Skylar tried to do something Bruce showed her a couple of days ago and grabbed his arm with her own as she turned around. Of course, Bruce quickly responded by turning around and using his elbow to pressure on her chest and get free.

To avoid getting hit Skylar fell back on her arms, essentially doing a bridge, and then using the acceleration she did a backflip and landed on her feet, away from him. Bruce seemed surprised. " Oh, did I forget to mention I did gymnastics until college, along with cheerleading?" she asked with a smirk.

" Well, that certainly explains your flexibility," Bruce replied wearing his infamous smirk. Skylar upped an eyebrow at him. " You ever doubted it?" she asked playfully. He chuckled. "No, but it has given me an idea,"

" Dick was the same, he had gymnastics and acrobat training, so I needed to teach him how to fight with the abilities he had, seems I need to follow the same with you," he explained. " Teaching you how to teach your flexibility to your advantage," he added.

Skylar smirked again. " I thought I already did," she replied. Bruce came closer to her and put his hands around her. " Other than those areas," he said with an amused expression as he leaned on to kiss her.

" I heard my name, lovebirds," Dick suddenly jumped out from the shadows and made his way toward Bruce and Skylar. " Weren't you supposed to be studying?" Bruce asked him. Dick shrugged. " I'm finished," he replied then turned to Skylar, " And I've heard your conversation," he said.

He grimaced for a second, " Except your sex talk, I just want to delete that from my memory," he said and Skylar couldn't help but chuckle. " Anyway, lemme show you something, grandma," he added and walked away from them.

" Bruce," he said then started to run and doing lunges toward him. Once he was close enough he jumped on Bruce, locking his legs around Bruce's neck and bringing him down. As his body went down, he used the movement and jumped back to his feet.

" See what I did?" he asked Skylar as he extended his arm to Bruce to help him get to his feet. " Yeah," she replied. " I used the momentum to bring him down. Because I knew I wasn't big or strong enough to take him on one-on-one, so I used his size and my flexibility to my advantage," he explained.

" Yes, and this is what I'm trying to do, because, if the event ever occurs, the people you'll be against won't have the same strength as you, and they certainly won't go easy on you," Bruce said. Skylar nodded. " Okay," she murmured, " Maybe you can teach me how you did that," she added while crossing her arms and looking at Dick.

Dick smiled in response. " It'd be my pleasure, grandma," he said as he walked beside her. " You good on being our model?" he asked Bruce. He shrugged, " Do I have any other choice?" Bruce asked with a faint smile. " You kinda don't," Dick replied.

" And maybe you're at it, you can explain why are you calling her grandma," Bruce said. Dick smirked as he and Skylar shared a look. " I don't think I will," Dick said while Skylar giggled and said, " It's something between us,"

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