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The dinner Skylar had with Bruce, Clark, and Lois was on Sunday. It was now Thursday and she hadn't heard from Bruce since then. The last four days were rough on her.

First, on Monday, she watched the program Gotham Gossip much to her dismay and was once again surprised to see the picture of the two of them. It was taken right after Bruce complimented her on the dress and they were looking at each other deeply with a smile.

She spent a few moments looking at the photo, something twisting in her stomach. The photo made her happy and suddenly she started looking at it all differently. Bruce had come into her life a little over a month ago and had completely changed her life.

She felt really good with him, she felt comfortable. Ever since she had started university the people around her always used her, for notes, for grades, and for their entertainment. He was the first 'friend' she had in a really long time and Skylar was so happy to have found him.

After snapping out of the zone she was in, she took out her phone and texted him. It was an attempt at a joke about the story the paparazzi ran on the two of them. As she was waiting for the reply she got up and started getting ready for the class she had.

Bruce still hasn't texted her back by the time she was done with her day and classes. She tried not thinking too much about it, it was a Monday and he must've been busy. She went back home, ate some dinner by herself while showing the new episode of a TV show she was watching until she went to bed.

The next two days went by a blur. Skylar mainly focused on her school work. She spent her free time in the library, reading or studying. She tried communicating Bruce a few times. One call and a few other texts. He did not respond.

She tried not to feel saddened by it, he had a whole other life. He ran a massive company along with parenting a teenager. He was busy. Yeah, he was busy. That must've been it.

But maybe she could drop by his office, see he was alright. Maybe he had some free time they could grab a coffee or lunch. That seemed like a good idea, she had some free time the next day around noon.

She smiled to herself with the idea. He did mention before that he always tried not to put a meeting around 12 so that he could have lunch. He was very punctual when it came to these kinds of things.

So, on Wednesday after two and a half-hour lecture on Finance Strategies, she made her way on to Wayne Enterprises. There was a bus that went there from the school so it wouldn't be very hard to get there.

Skylar took a deep breath before entering. She did not want to go through the security guy again. Of course, he wasn't there and someone else stopped her. " Ma'am, if you don't work here or have any business, I can't let you through," he said.

She took a deep breath. " I've been here before, really, you can ask the security guard who stopped me last time," she said. " Who would that be?" the guard asked seriously. She looked around, not finding him. "He's not here right now, but maybe you can call Mr.Wayne's assistant, Claire, her name was Claire,"

The guard seemed surprised she knew her name. " One minute," he said, stepping away from her and talking on the walkie-talkie. A few minutes later Claire stepped off the elevator, coming toward them.

" Thanks for letting me know Drew," she smiled at the guard before turning back to Skylar. "Miss Jones, surprising to see you," she said. " Hi, uhm, I'm sorry to bother you, the guard wouldn't let me up," she explained.

Claire gave her a smile and Skylar couldn't tell whether it was fake or not genuine. " Why are you here?" she asked her. Skylar bit her lip. " I came to see Mr.Wayne," she admitted. Claire tilted her head before replying.

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