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Skylar wanted to cry.

Sure she had been crying since she woke up, but this was different. She wanted to cry out of happiness this time. Bruce. Oh, Bruce. Her Bruce was standing at the doorway. It had been so long, so damn long. Yeah, there had been the whole brain control thing, but it was way before than that.

Pieces were coming back to Skylar. Her brain was processing all of the last twelve years slowly. And her life before. For now, she had only remembered that she had waited for him in that room in Infinity Island, for months. And he was here. Oh, god, he was here.

All she vividly remembered at the moment was how much she wanted to be by his side, in his arms for months. And he was here, steps away from her. He was here. They weren't miles away.

But, as the universe was, before any of them could speak up the alarms went off. They were loud too. " What's happening?" Skylar asked. Bruce and Dick rushed to the living room and the girls followed them.

When they got there Skylar spotted several other people standing in front of a big screen. " Slade..." she mumbled as she eyed the footage. She'd recognize him everywhere. " He was probably sent here to get you by Talia," Dick said, turning to Skylar.

Talia. That name both boiled something inside of her and somehow felt safe. A quick flashback of her appeared on her mind at the mention of that name. It was her and Talia walking in a hall where she was calling Bruce her beloved. And then another, both of them sitting somewhere, drinks in their hands and smiles. Like they were friends, having a good time.

She shook her head, trying to focus on the present. She'd need time to put everything together. " That ain't happening," Bruce sternly said. " We don't have much time, he's on the roof already," Barbara said.

" She's right, let's go," Dick said. Skylar smiled. He had grown up to the leader role. " Barbara, stay here with her," Bruce instructed. Skylar furrowed her brows. " I'm not staying," she said. " SJ, we just got you back," Dick tried to argue.

Skylar sighed. " You said he's here for me. I'm not hiding," she replied. Dick and Bruce shared a look. " Fine," Bruce muttered. Barbara had to stay back because she didn't have her costume with her and her identity would be exposed and worse, without the suit she didn't have proper protection.

They went up to the roof. Slade Wilson, aka Deathstroke, was standing on the roof with fifteen Leauge of Shadows assassins. " Oh, great," he mumbled as he spotted Skylar. " You've gone back," he said.

Skylar glared at him. " I remember what you did to me, Wilson. You will pay, there's nothing stopping me now," she said. Her tone had come out harsh. She didn't know where it came from but it was coldblooded. Like it didn't belong to her. 

An amusing face appeared on his face. " Bring it on," he smirked. Skylar looked at Bruce at the corner of her eye. It was an instinct. He nodded. He understood this was something she had to do on her own. It was a small movement that if you didn't know Bruce you wouldn't understand he even moved. But Skylar got it, even if she didn't remember everything and her memory was messed up, she knew enough. She and Bruce were a team. They always would be. 

Then, everyone moved. Everyone scattered around, leaving Skylar and Slade in the middle. She quickly analyzed the situation. He had weapons, she needed to get rid of them first. She was told by Dick and Barbara that she had been an assassin for the better part of the last decade so she thought she was better now than the last time she faced him. Plus, she had her powers now too.

There was also something holding her back the last time, but she couldn't remember at the moment. She needed to focus on this moment anyway, to take Slade down. " What, the cat got your tongue?" Slade taunted.

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