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The next two weeks passed by quickly. Skylar and Bruce went to the doctor and discussed the pregnancy. Skylar got written some vitamins to take throughout the process and the doctor also gave her the classic speech of what to do's and don't do's. 

They also had their first ultrasound, in which they heard the baby's heartbeat. It made Skylar cry tears of joy and even Bruce got teary-eyed. After that, they saved the photos of the ultrasound to surprise Skylar's parents. 

The baby was now around 12 weeks, which meant that it was around 3 months. They figured it was time to tell their friends and family. The plan was to announce it to their close friends from the Leauge this Friday and then Skylar's parents on the weekend when they'd fly to Central City. 

As for Skylar's job, she actually got the promotion and they decided for her to work until she was 24 to 26 weeks of pregnancy. Bruce didn't really mind, he knew that Skylar wanted to work until she couldn't, so that was their limit.

But as for being Firegirl, both Skylar and Bruce agreed that she should give a break to it. It wasn't safe for their baby and the pregnancy itself would tire and stress Skylar out enough, there was no need to add extra on it. 

So, she'd retire from being Firegirl, for a short while. They'd tell the others this Friday at the meeting. The whole Leauge had a meeting on Friday, in which they'd go over reports of the missions they'd been on, discuss new possible missions, and the new recruits of the Leauge. 

Skylar was excited when they showed up for it. Luckily the meeting didn't take that long and it ended soon after. Most of the people scattered away, since it was a Friday evening and everyone had plans. Soon only Skylar, Bruce, Clark, Diana, Barry, Oliver, and Jonn were left standing in the room, and it was because Barry had asked everyone to stay. Hal was off-world again on some mission.

Barry asking everyone to stay was a bonus for Skylar and Bruce with that they had more of an element of surprise. " Alright, tell us what's going on Barry, I'm a busy man," Oliver said, crossing his arms on his chest.

" Well," Barry started, " as you all know, there's a Flash Museum in Central City, made in my honor," he said. Diana chuckled, " Yes, we do," she said. " And, I've been informed that there will be an opening of a new exhibit, AND, the mayor is giving me the key of the city because of my heroic actions to protect the city," 

" Congrats, man," Clark said. Barry smiled. " But that's not all," he said, " I want you guys to be there too, I haven't achieved many things by myself, and although the sign says 'Flash Museum', I feel like it's something we should all be sharing so I was wondering if you guys would come. Plus, I'm getting the key of the city and I'd like it for you to be there," he quickly said. 

" When is it?" Skylar asked they were already going to Central City. " Ugh, I know it's a last-minute thing, but Sunday," he said scratching his neck. She turned to Bruce but he nodded, knowing what she'd say before she even said it.

He turned to Barry. " We'll already be at Central City for the weekend," he said. " Great," Barry exclaimed, " What about the rest of you?" he asked to the group. There was a collective 'yes's and that put a smile on Barry's face.

While that was going on Skylar turned to Bruce. " You know it was happening, right?" she whispered to him. He shrugged, " Why did you think I arranged this weekend to go there?" he said back and Skylar smirked.

" Alright, what are you kids whispering back there?" Barry said, pointing his finger at Skylar and Bruce. He didn't care to comment on Barry but he took a step forward. " Thanks to Barry, since you're all here, we have something to announce too," 

Clark furrowed his brows, " Is everything alright?" he asked. Bruce sighed. " Firegirl will be taking an absence of leave for a while," he said. Everyone looked around confused. " What?" Barry exclaimed and sped toward Skylar. 

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