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Heeyeon's POV

A few months went by and I got to say, university life isn't as good as what they showed on K-dramas. University life is fast paced and literally wants the death of you.

Especially in this society where studies seem to be everything, everyone is so drained now.

" Urgh! Can you guys lower your volume? " I slammed opened the door as I said in frustration. Sora, Daehee and Hyunjin are playing some games in the living room while i'm studying my ass off.

Sora looked over at Hyunjin, " The two of you are in the same major, why is she dying and you're living? " Hyunjin smiled without saying anything.

Well, let me tell you why. Turns out, Hyunjin studied all of the modules that we've learned back when he was in Las Vegas. It's ironic because he slept through lectures and still score the best.

I slammed the door shut as I sat on my chair, trying hard not to break down. " T-The economics of the g-global market h-h-h- " Before I know it, I couldn't hold it in anymore.

I studied really hard but my results are just average. My parents used up so much money just to send me here and I just did average, to me it's not even enough.

Just then, someone knocked on the door. " Bumpkin! " He walked in with his positive energy but was pretty shocked to see me in this state.

Hyunjin walked over as he looked over at me. " Do you need help? " I shook my head, avoiding his eye contact. I felt ashamed, someone like him who didn't study much could score so much better than me.

He bend down to match my height as he forced me to look at him. " No matter what happens, I'll always be here to help you. " He smiled.

" I wish I have your brain. " I said.

" Let's go. " He stood up, dragging me along with him. I looked at him with a face filled with confusion.

He looked back at me, " I thought you want my brain. Let's go to the hospital to get our brains exchange. " I chuckled slightly.

Hyunjin let out a sigh, " Bumpkin, regardless of what happen, just know that I will never let you go through it alone. " He smiled slightly at me before pinching my cheek really hard.

" Just as you thought it's gonna be a touching moment. " I smacked him on the arm really hard as we burst into laughter.

So throughout the night, Hyunjin was tutoring me about the things that we're learning. We were literally studying till 4am before he head back to his dorm.

The next morning, I changed into my bumpkin outfit and tied my hair into braids. Because of Hyunjin's ginormous mouth, people in our major calls me the bumpkin girl.

Hyunjin left his sweater at our dorm last night so I took it with me as well. Today's lesson pretty chill, we only have one class for the day so Hyunjin suggest that we go on an outing.

I don't know how or why but Hyunjin gets along really well with my dorm mates. So much so, I feel like Hyunjin is their dorm-mate instead of me because I see him so often in our dorm.

" Shit. " I cursed under my breath.

I was on the way to the business building when it started to rain really heavily. My class is starting in 15 minutes and i'm still at the other side of the campus.

I sighed as I just stood outside the guy's building for shelter. I felt a tap on my shoulder, " So it's you! " He grinned.

" Seungmin, right? " He nodded with a smile. He looked up at the sky before looking back at me.

He points at the rain, " Are you here because of the rain or are you waiting for someone? " I pointed at the rain and he nodded.

" Let's share the umbrella, pretty sure our buildings are not that far from each other. " He grinned. Throughout the walk from the dorm to the building, we talk a lot and we realised we click pretty well.

" So what's your major again? " I asked when I reached the business building.

Seungmin smiled, " Journalism. " I smiled as I nodded, trying to remember and not embarrass myself by asking him again.

" Well, I'll get going. Nice meeting you- " He waited for me to say my name.

" Heeyeon. " I said and he nodded, repeating my name once again. We waved goodbye as I entered the building, brisk-walking to the lecture room.

When I got there, I saw Hyunjin dozing off even before the lecture even starts. I smacked his head and he looked up at me, massaging his head. " Why are you drenched? " He asked.

" Because it's raining. " He rolled his eyes.

" Stating the obvious? I mean, why didn't you bring an umbrella. " I placed all my things down before sitting down, facing him.

I sighed, " Well, I thought it's not gonna rain so I left my umbrella in the dorm but thank god someone shared umbrella with me. " He flicked my forehead, calling me pabo while turning away.

During the lecture, I was freezing. Usually in the lecture hall, the aircon would be turned down because there's so many students. Just then, Hyunjin removed just outerwear and tossed it to me.

" I'm really warm. " He said without looking up.

I smiled to myself as I put on his coat, it felt so much warmer. " Thanks Hyunjin. " He just nodded without looking up, not because he's focused but because he's sleeping. Please don't overestimate him.

When the lecture finally ended, Hyunjin finally woke up. " Let's go on an outing! With my dorm mates and yours! " He winked.

So it turns out, Hyunjin wants to match make our dorm mates because he thinks he is some love expert like the ones he saw on TV.

" You can take it as a triple date. " He said.

" So who's gonna be the unlucky one with you? Sora? Daehee? " He points at me and I looked at him with a face filled with disgust.

He sighed, placing his arm over my shoulders. " I feel uncomfortable, disgusted, whatever emotions that you feel, I felt it too but for the happiness of our friends, we have to. " I sighed in defeat.

So that's how we ended up going on a trip, or a date you can say. Hyunjin suddenly held my hand.

" I'm just practicing for later. "

26th March 2020

Oh yeah, if y'all did suggest some fanfics and stuff i'm gonna try to put it all in this story but if it's not stray kids related then I'll try to write another story but it probably wouldn't be as long as this book :)

oh and i'm also trying to publish 2 chapters at once if i can! currently i'm at chapter 4! and i'm so sorry if my writing skills got worse HAHA it has been 6 months since i've last written anything or even study HAHHA

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