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Hyunjin's POV

" Wow Hwang Hyunjin, this is the first time you've actually cared to dress this well for a party. " I smirked as I put on my coat.

Usually I wouldn't care much about what I wear to a party since it's usually pretty dimly lited so no one really notice your outfits anyways.

This time, it's different.

I'm going to forget all about her and just enjoy the night as a single and ready to mingle guy.

I looked around, " Is Seungmin not going again? Do we have to bring some food back for him? " Minho chuckled as he shook his head.

" Kim Seungmin is really wilding these days. He's off on a date with his library girl. " I scoffed as I look at the mirror one last time before heading out.

When we got to the place, it was buzzing with music. The place is pretty dim but damn, those disco lights really enhance the place and take it to the next level.

Minho and I walked through the crowd and we spotted Changbin at the bar. " Yo! " Minho said and I smiled.

" Wow! Looking good! " He said as he looks at both Minho and I.

He looked around, " Sora and Daehee are right at that corner. " Minho looked at Changbin awkwardly.


Apparently Sora confessed to Minho a few days back but he doesn't feel the same so he rejected her and apparently she ran off, crying. It made him feel really guilty.

" Come on. Let's just go. Knowing Kim Sora, she forgets all about it really quickly. " I dragged Minho by his arm all the way to where the girls are.

" What's up! " Sora said as she saw us.

I sat in between Minho and Sora. Sora was pretty chill about the confession thing but Minho clearly wasn't. " Want some drinks? " I asked and Minho wanted to come with me to get some.

When we got back with our drinks, we were literally just drinking. Sora sighed, " Lee Minho, if you're awkward about the confession you shouldn't because Kim Sora gets over it really easily. "

Before he could even react, he hops off the couch, dancing through the crowd. Minho looked around as I sipped my drink. " Where's Heeyeon? " and I stopped.

" She's home, studying. She sprained her ankle a while back so she couldn't come. " Daehee said.

A part of me felt really worried. That bumpkin is really clumsy and she can't do things by herself. Knowing that she's injured made it even worse.

Minho nudged me, " Aren't you going to check on her or something? " I shook my head as I placed my drink down and walked off to find some people to talk to.

I had enough of Bumpkin.

" Hi! I saw you from afar and thought you look like my cup of tea! " Some random girl came up to me. To be frank, I have no idea how do people know exactly how I look like in dim lights.

I took a deep breathe, " Same! I mean I look like my cup of tea. " I grinned slightly and she burst into laughter.

Oh god help me.

Heeyeon's POV

After we've ordered, it was a moment of silence.

After what Seungmin said, I felt really awkward. He cleared his throat, " I'm really sorry about what I've said just now. " I shook my head.

" Anyways, how did you find the book? I tried looking for it everywhere but I just couldn't. " He scratch the back of his neck as he chuckled slightly.

" By coincident, I guess it's just luck! " He chuckled.

Just then, the food came and saved us from the awkwardness. I was almost out of topic to talk about right after the book.

I ordered a bowl of dumpling noodles while Seungmin ordered fried rice. " Oh! I have a question for you! " He grinned.

" When eating fish bread, do you eat it from the head of the tail? " I thought for a bit.

" Probably the tail, since it's pretty cruel to eat the head right away. " I chuckled and he grinned brightly.

He let out a sigh of relieve. " I thought I was the only one. Many of my friends eat the head first, they say it's less cruel. " I chuckled.

" Enough of talking about me, So tell me something that people doesn't know about you. " I said as I placed a piece of dumpling into my mouth.

He thought for a while, " Oh, here's a fun fact. I speak english pretty well. " My eyes widened. I've never thought he could speak good english.

Seungmin started introducing himself in English and then he started getting flustered right after he's done so he covered his face with his hands. " That's pretty good! I only know hello and goodbye. " He chuckled.

" I can teach you English if you'd like. Rest assure, I live in the states for awhile when I was young. " I nodded my head with a grin.

I've always wanted to learn English and hopefully be able to watch English shows without having Korean subtitles.

When we're done eating, Seungmin brought me to Han River. " Whenever i'm feeling down or troubled I will always come here. The air here is fresh and it's just peaceful. " I nodded.

" I've never been here before but back when i'm at my hometown, I would always go to river side too. " He looked over at me.

" Are you parents with you? " I shook my head.

I let out a sigh as I stared at the dark sky above me, thinking about my parents. " They saved up money just for me to come to Seoul to study. I'm actually pretty worried about them. "

Seungmin suddenly grabbed my hand, " I know telling you not to worry is useless but I just want to reassure you that no matter what emotions you're feeling, just look for me and I'll be there for you. "

His action really caught me by surprised and my heart fluttered. " What about you? "

" My parents are here with me and I have an older sister who's currently working. My parents own a spicy rice cake store which is ironic because I don't handle spice well. " He chuckled as he looked away.

I smiled, " There's nothing wrong about not being able to handle spice well, you know. I know of friends who can't take spice well either. " He looked over at me, wide-eyed.

" So what do you look for in a guy? " He suddenly asked me and became all flustered because he realised he sort of confessed a while back.

" My type of guy is someone who I can be comfortable with, someone who makes me laugh and someone who i'm able to be ugly with. " That was when an image of Hyunjin came into my mind.

I shove that thought away.


He nodded. " It's getting late. We should head back. " I held onto his arm as we head back to our school campus.

" Oh! Kim Seungmin! " I heard a scream and I turned to see Minho, drunk as he leaned on Hyunjin who's struggling to handle him.

Hyunjin's eyes stiffened as he looked over at me. Minho rubbed his eyes as he stared right at me. " Are you Heeyeon? No it can't be, she's home! " He mumbled something at the end but it's inaudible.

" Quit playing around, " Hyunjin said.

" Let's not disturb people's date. "

27th March 2020

T ^ T not gonna lie, if my crush tells someone not to disturb people's date because he thought me and someone is dating I'd be real sad and wanna explain but yet I can't D:

y'all feel free to talk about y'all crushes! Wanna know more about y'all too :)

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