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Heeyeon's POV

When I got back to the dorm, Sora and Daehee noticed my ankle. " What happened to your ankle? Why do you walk like a duck? " Daehee asked.

" I just sprained it. It's nothing. " But Sora and Daehee doesn't settle for it's nothing. They made me sit down on the couch and remove my socks.

" Are you nuts? It's swollen. " Daehee said.

" I swear I saw Hyunjin downstairs a few minutes ago. If he saw you, he would have helped you. Didn't you see him? " Sora asked.

Tears welled up in my eyes.

Don't shed your tears for that jerk, Han Heeyeon.

I shook my head. " I didn't. " I looked down, hiding my eyes away from their sight.

" Let's go to the nurse's office now. " Sora being the rash perosn she is, wanted to bring me there right away but Daehee smacked her.

" Are you a moron? It's close to 11pm. Let's go tomorrow then. " I nodded. They took an ice pack out of the freezer, placing it above my swollen ankle after I've washed up.

It was this moment when I felt like, i'm thankful for their presence. I was in a city where I know no one, and they made me feel home.

The next morning, I wore my bumpkin outfit and I hopped out to the living room where the both of them are. " Are you insane? You're going to school in this condition? " I nodded.

" University quote is never miss a day of school or you'll literally die. " Daehee rolled her eyes, forcing me to sit down.

" You can go only if Hyunjin comes and pick you up. I'm worried about you going alone. " Sora said and I shook my head at the thought of it.

I sighed, " Hyunjin or stay home? " Sora asked. Obviously I pick stay home. It's way better than seeing that jerk. I might punch his face any moment and be a drop out.

The whole day at home I just laze around, read some notes and eat. It was pretty good to be able to relax after everything.

Yes Heeyeon, forget him.

Hyunjin's POV

The lecture have started but Heeyeon isn't here yet. I couldn't focus on the lesson, I mean I don't usually focus on the lesson but I can't focus on my sleep.

Usually lecture room is where the best sleeping season is held at but my mind wasn't able to sleep well.

The thought of her ankle bothers me.

Does Daehee and Sora knows about it? Pretty sure Heeyeon wouldn't tell them if they didn't ask about it. Such a country Bumpkin.

When the lecture has ended, I walked over to the cafeteria to have lunch with my boys. My eyes wandered around the cafeteria when I spotted Daehee.

" Yoo Daehee! " I ran over to her.

" How's Bumpkin's ankle? Did she tell you guys? Did she see the doctor? " Daehee looked at me with an emotionless face.

She sighed, " She needs surgery. " My eyes widened.

" Just kidding, she's fine but if you really care about her then you should ask her yourself. " I sighed as I ruffled my hair.

I took a deep breath. " I only asked because she's my classmate and my lecturer always sa- " Before I can continue, Daehee chuckled.

" Do I look like I care? It's obvious you like her. End of convo. See you later. " With that, she walked off.

My mind is in a mess.

Thank god there's no more lesson for the day.

When I walked out of the cafeteria, I realised it's already evening. I walked back to my dorm.

There isn't anyone in the dorm currently. Seungmin is probably in the library and Minho is probably, I mean definitely at the cat voluntary centre.

I walked over to my room and took a box from the top shelf. It has been a long time since i've last opened up this box.

The last time this box was opened, I was in Las Vegas. I sat down and opened up the box to see a ton of letters in the box.

I picked one up.

14th Sep 2005

Hello! Happy birthday! See, I didn't forget about your birthday even though you're so far away! All the way in America!

How is america like? My mommy told me that america is really huge and there's lots of yummy food! If I have the chance, I would love to visit you in America!

Happy 5th Birthday! Come back Korea soon!

- H

Heeyeon's POV

" The doctor said your ankle is pretty swollen, he even asked how did you survive walking! " Sora said and I chuckled.

" Oh yeah, Hyunjin came asking about your ankle. I told him to ask you himself, did he? " I shook my head as I looked down.

Sora and Daehee brought me to the near by clinic to check my ankle. Each of them held one side of my arm. " Tell me the truth Han Hyunhee, you like him don't you? " Daehee asked.

I shook my head. " It's so obvious. " Sora said and Daehee nodded in agreement.

" She's hiding something. Hey you can't lie to a psychology student, I learn about people like you okay. " Daehee said and I took a deep breath.

" So spill the tea" Sora said.

I pursed my lips, " Yesterday I was really confused with my emotions and I told him to mind his own business and stop interfering with my life because he's just a friend. "

" When I sprained my ankle, I was on the way back and I saw Hyunjin but he was with a girl and his hand was on her waist. He told me that's just how he treat all his girl friends. " I said.

" Hyunjin that bi- " Sora got really agitated.

Just then, Daehee got a call from Changbin. She was smiling ear to ear. Changbin and Daehee have been dating for a few days now and they are so adorable together.

They are both really into dark stuff and they love rap songs. " Seo Changbin shall treat us food the next time! " Sora said loudly for him to hear and Daehee kicked her in the shin.

" How dare you side with your boyfriend and ditch your friend! That's rude! " Sora whined and I burst into laughter.

" Heeyeon! " I turned around to see Seungmin running towards me with a grin on his face as well as a book in his hand.

" The book you've been looking for, I found it. "

27th March 2020

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