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Hyunjin's POV

" Hwang Hyunjin, are you butts? That's your bumkin! " Minho said and I sighed.

" First, it's nuts. Secondly, she's bumpkin and thirdly, only I can call her that. " I said and he continued murmuring.

I came to a realisation that library girl is probably bumpkin and I don't like it. Knowing that your best friend likes your crush, bro, that's not good.

Knowing Seungmin, he doesn't like girls easily and this is probably his first.

I brought Minho into his room and threw him onto his bed. " You stink real bad. " I said as I took off his sweater that smelled like alcohol.

I washed up and wore some comfortable clothes. When I got out of the bathroom, I saw Seungmin who was smiling to himself.

" Kim Seungmin, is that the library girl? " My heart thumped as I waited for his reply. A big part of me knew that it's her but i'm hoping it isn't.

He nodded.

He freaking nodded.

I forced a smile, " You guys look great together. " I punched his arm slightly and he flushed.

" I'll go wash up. Sleep early. " He punched me back in the arm as he walked passed me. I sighed as I dragged my feet into the room.

Well, what would you guys do if you're in this situation?

I'm now in a confusion. I love the both of them but it's different kind of love. I really want Bumpkin for myself but honestly, I want my best friend to be happy too.

I don't plan to tell Seungmin anything.

Throughout the night, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I tried really hard to forget all about her but honestly, when you really fall deep for someone, it's really hard to get out.

How I wish I loved someone else, someone that my best friend doesn't love.

I tried to talk to someone new but whenever someone said something, I would think of her and instantly I would feel uninterested.

I got out of bed and took the box out again.

I got a random letter out of the box and started reading it once again.

30th October 2007

Hello! It's Halloween! Do you remember how our wish is to dress up for halloween? My mommy finally allow me to!

This year I dressed as a squirrel because I know you look like one and you love squirrels. Dressing as a squirrel makes me feel like you're here with me!

When are you coming back? My mommy said that when I'm bigger, we can go to America to find you! My mommy is telling me to sleep now! Bye!


I placed the letter into the box again and covered it.

I'm sorry.

Heeyeon's POV

I sat on the couch while watching some reality shows that on the TV now. The doorbell rang and I hop to the door to open it.

A hush of alcohol scent filled my nostrils, " You guys stink. " I said as I moved away.

" Oh please, we didn't drink much compared to the others there. Changbin's party is wild. " Sora said and Daehee nodded in agreement.

I closed the door as they went to wash up.

" Did you really study the whole time while we're out? " I shook my head as I took a seat at the dining table.

" I went out with Seungmin, you know the guy that lend me the book. " Sora's eyes widened as she took a seat beside me.

She forced me to look at her. " You mean on a date? Oh my god that's so cute. " I shook my head and her smile fades away almost immediately.

" It's just for a dinner, that's about it. We just went to Han river and we basically just talk. " She smacked me on the arm.

" Just talk? Why didn't you grab the chance? " I rolled my eyes as I let out a sigh.

" Listen, I don't like him that way. He's a nice guy but that's about it. " She blinked a few times before shaking her head.

Just then, Daehee came out of the bathroom. " What are you guys talking about? What chances are there to grab? "

" Han Heeyeon went out with the book guy just now and they were on a date which she doesn't think so. They went to Han river and just talk. " Sora said sarcastically.

" A girl and a guy who's clearly interested in you and resembles Lee Jangwoo at Han River, and nothing happened. Are you kidding me? " Daehee smacked the back of her head.

I gave her a thumbs up, " I guess you're team Book guy. " Sora nodded, Daehee walked off to get some snacks from her room.

As she's walking out her room, " But i'm team Hyunjin. " Sora sighed as she turned to me.

" Which team are you, Heeyeon? " I shook my head, telling them i'm not interested in any and they shouldn't waste their time on this.

Daehee pop a few pieces of chips into her mouth, " I think Hyunjin is a good guy but at the end of the day, follow your heart as long as your final choice isn't a douche, I'll support. "

I hugged Daehee and she shoved a piece of chip into my mouth. " I choose you! " I hugged her even tighter than before.

" I want a hug too! " Sora pouts as she wrapped her arms around the both of us.

Honestly, who needs guys when you can have two amazing friends with you?

Hyunjin's POV

The next morning, I woke up to hear puking noises in the bathroom. " Lee Minho! You disgusting piece of- " I shouted.

Minho puked all over the floor. " Hangover things. " I rolled my eyes as I took a bucket of water to wash off all his puke.

" Thanks Hyunjin, love you. " He attempted to give me a peck but I pushed him away.

" Oh right, Let me tell you something funny. I had a really outrageous dream. " I threw a pillow at him.

I covered my ears, " Shut up Minho. " He sat beside me as he pulled my hands away.

" Anyways, I dreamt that library girl is Heeyeon. Can you imagine? It's so hilarious. " He burst into laughter and I forced a smile.

" It felt really real though. We were outside the dorm when we saw Heeyeon and Seungmin together but it was impossible because Heeyeon was injured but I don't think library girl is though. " Minho said as he drifted off in his own thoughts.

Little did he not know, that wasn't a dream.

How I wish that was a dream too.

27th March 2020

Are y'all Team Hyunjin or Team Seungmin? y'all shall be the author of this fanfic too HAHA i'll go with whichever y'all prefer?

To be frank, i'm team none HAHAHHAA as ironic as it is. I remembered watching to all the boys i've loved before and my friends are arguing about which team are they, i'm the only team none.

So i'm pretty much the peace maker there HAHA yeah but i just didn't think peter or John are suitable.

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