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Hyunjin's POV

I came to a conclusion that for now at least, Seungmin needs Heeyeon most. " Oh, take this with you. " I stretched to the side go get her the bag of snacks I got her.

" It's probably trash but it's just- " She shook her head as she took it over.

A little while after she left, the door opened to she Seungmin with tears in his eyes. " Why must you be so considerate all the time? " I smiled.

Seungmin sat down by my bed. " I can sense Heeyeon definitely likes you more judging by her reaction. " He looked down at his fingers.

I punched him in the arm, " Hey, what do you mean by that. She's your girlfriend. " He looked up at me with a forced smile

" She was. " I furrowed my brows.

" Even though we just got together and I know I couldn't bear to leave her but I told her to follow her heart even if it means hurting me. " I could sense that he was holding back his tears.

He gulped. " She told me she's sorry and that I will find someone better. " He sniffed as tears ran down his cheeks.

" Hyunjin, I won't ask for more just please take care of Heeyeon well. " I grabbed his hand as I stared right into his eyes.

I shook my head, " I can't promise you something I can't do. " He furrowed his brows.

" My mom called just now. They found a college for me in Las Vegas and i'm going back soon. " Seungmin eyes widened.

Seungmin knows how much I dislike going back there. It's where lots of guilt is stored at. " What if you talk to your parents about it, I- "

I shook my head. " It wouldn't work. They've made up their mind so I need you to take on the responsibility of taking good care of Heeyeon. "

" Does she knows? " I shook my head

" There's actually too many secrets that I'm hiding from her and I think that's what i'm going to do before leaving, i'm going to tell her the truth. " I said.

Seungmin wouldn't exactly get what I meant but when the day comes, he will get it.

I wasn't meant to fall for her.

Heeyeon's POV

I just broke up with Seungmin even though we just got together. I didn't want to deceive him and cling onto such a good guy when I know he deserve better.

I thought I've moved on from Hyunjin but I guess not. I do have to admit that I really did have feelings for Seungmin but the moment I saw Hyunjin, I know it's a different kind of feeling.

I climbed into my bed and since it's such a tiring day, I managed to fall asleep really quickly and had a really really weird dream.

" Huh? Where are you? " I looked everywhere to find him but I can't seem to find him anywhere. I looked behind the tree, behind the rocks but there's no sign of him.

" Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, " I turned around to see him holding onto a small cake with a candle on it.

It's my favourite cake from the bakery down the street!

After we're done with the singing of birthday song? I made three wishes. We sat under a tree and munch on the cake, and then coating our faces with cream while laughing.

He spoke, " Heeyeon, My mommy told me that I will be moving to Las Vegas in a few days. " I looked over at him with a curious expression.

" Where's Las Vegas? is it as far as Seoul? " He shook his head.

" Las Vegas is in America. It's really far away, even further away than Seoul. " i pouted as I looked at him.

" When will you be back? " He shrugged.

He looked at me with a smile, " But I promise to buy you all the snacks that is delicious and I will write you a card with a chick on it so you know it's yours, okay! " I nodded with a grin.

And I woke up.

It was a dream about me and my best friend when we were younger. He left for Las Vegas and I remembered sending letter to him everyday without fail until one day, it was sent back to us.

I never really know how is he now or where exactly is he but I hope that he's doing fine. Not gonna lie, I can't really remember his name.

I walked out of the room and washed up before coming back into the room again. My eyes landed on the bag of snacks that Hyunjin got me.

What caught my eyes wasn't the snacks but a pale yellow card with a chick on it.

Hey Heeyeon,

Happy Birthday.

I know i've been a jerk to you these past few months and I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I just want to follow my heart this time regardless of the outcome.

I don't want to regret not taking the chances.

I like you. I like you more than friends and I like you more than you think I do. I want to hold your hand to explore the world and do everything for you just to see you smile.

Thank you for appearing in my life Bunpkin.

Enjoy the snacks.

Happy birthday.

Only I can call you bumpkin.

- Hyunjin

My vision started to get blurry. Tears welled up in my eyes. From everything that happened, a part of me tells me that my best friend from the past is Hyunjin.

Everything seem to have a link.

That was when, I rushed to the hospital to ask Hyunjin about this.

When I got there, he was about to be discharged. I was able to take a walk with him and took the chance to ask him. " Hwang Hyunjin, do you remember me? " He looked stunned.

" Of course. I was punched in the face, not head. " He chuckled and I shook my head.

" Did we meet many years ago? " He stopped walking as he turned towards me with a stern expression plastered on his face.

He gulped as he shook his head.

" I don't believe. Everything that he said he would do for me is literally done by you now and you were in Las Vegas which was where he went and- "

" That was Han, not me. "

1 April 2020

i'm having such bad insomnia, I can stay up the whole entire night and not feel sleepy even if i try to sleep and it sucks.

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