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"Welcome to Parole, Harper!!!" They all raise their glasses to her, then everyone throws back their shots. Harper needs a few more of these. Her nerves are shot after the day she had. She can't stop thinking about Jordan. Her heart is hurting, he'd lied to her. He'd let her fall in love with him under false pretenses. She's hurt, she's going to have to stop seeing him. If he'd been honest with her from the beginning she never would have started anything with him. Not that she cares he's a felon, or that he'd gone to prison, but because of her job. She wouldn't have put her job in jeopardy.

The more shots she does, the more her hurt turns into anger. And the angrier she gets, the more reckless she gets. Tipsy Harper, is still responsible. Drunk Harper, is a lot of fun, but Trashed Harper, is a train wreck, she's dangerous, mostly to herself, she's stupid and irresponsible. She does things she'd never do sober. She's impulsive and uninhibited. It never ends well.

Harper feels her phone vibrate in her pocket, over and over again. Every time she feels it, she takes a shot. Harper's been talking to Joey most of the night. She notices how blue his eyes are. They're a stark contrast to Jordan's dark brown eyes. Harper stares into Joey's eyes, trying to erase the memory of staring into Jordan's eyes, eyes that she could easily get lost in. He smiles at her, "What are you looking for?"

She slowly shakes her head, "I'm not sure I've ever seen eyes as blue as yours. You've got really beautiful eyes, Joey."

"Well thank you Harper. You've got really beautiful eyes too. And if I'm being completely honest, you've got the most beautiful smile I've ever seen."

This makes her smile. She thinks he's pretty hot. She feels this urge to kiss him. She needs to get Jordan out of her system. Cleanse herself of him and his memory. No matter how she feels, it can't continue. Her phone keeps vibrating in her back pocket, "I'll be right back Joey, don't go anywhere." She touches the tip of her finger to his nose as she walks away. Harper goes into the restroom, she finally pulls her cell phone out of her pocket, ten texts, all from Jordan.

Jordan: Harper, I'm really sorry I didn't tell you.

Jordan: I'll explain everything tonight. You'll understand better then.

Jordan: Please just answer me once so I know we're still on for tonight.

Jordan: Harper! Come on.

Jordan: Fine. I guess I'll just see you tonight. Remember that I love you. And I know you love me. We can get through this.

Jordan: Harper I hope you're okay. I'm getting a little worried.

Jordan: Please answer back, at least once. I hope you're not drinking too much. Please be careful Harper.

Jordan: okay now I'm really worried Harper. Where are you?

Jordan: HARPER!!!

Jordan: Stay there. I'm on my way to get you. You better be okay.

Harper's heart leaps up into her throat. Jordan's on his way here? How does he know where she is? What'll happen when he gets here? All of her coworkers are here, they all know he's on parole. She knows if he comes near her right now she'll jump his bones. Maybe not all his bones, but I'll definitely jump on one. She can't think like that anymore. There can not be anymore jumping Jordan's bones. No more touching him, kissing him, no more fucking him. No more holding him or loving him. This brings tears to her eyes. How do you just stop loving someone? She doesn't think she can, not him. He's too wonderful. He's everything she ever wanted and needed.

Harper's phone starts vibrating again, it's Jordan calling her. She has to get the hell out of this bar. If anyone from work sees her with him, her job is over. She thinks she'll just sneak out the back of the bar. Do bars even have back doors?

Harper pulls herself together, she looks in the mirror and wipes her face. Good, her makeup has held up. Thank God for water proof mascara. She pulls the door open and looks out. She doesn't see anyone in the little hallway where the restrooms are. She steps out and the men's restroom door opens, she comes face to face with Joey. Trashed Harper resurfaces, she shoves Joey against the wall and crashes her lips against his. He doesn't miss a beat either, he's into it immediately. His hands go to her face, holding either side of her face. Her arms go around him, pulling him against her body. She runs her hands up his back, he's got a strong muscular back, she likes it. Harper sweeps her tongue into his welcoming mouth. His tongue swirls around hers. Her hands drift down his back, gripping his firm ass. She pulls his closer, his erection digs into her hip. Feeling it, her eye brows go up, what she feels is impressive. Really impressive. She pushes her hips forward, grinding against him. He moans against her mouth, breaking their kiss. Her eyes are still closed, because that was quite a kiss. "Excuse me." The sound of someone walking up on them kissing like this doesn't phase her at all, until she realizes she recognizes the voice. Joey takes her by the hand and moves them further down the hallway, getting out from in front of the men's restroom door. Harper opens her eyes and finds herself looking right at Jordan. The hurt in his eyes knocks the wind out of her. She suddenly feels like she wants to run, to run fast, to run far away from here. And that's exactly what she does.

"I've got to go Joey." He looks disappointed."Oh Joey don't do that. That was an amazing kiss, but we shouldn't do this drunk. So I'm going to catch a cab and go home. Thanks for the drinks and a fun night out." She kisses his cheek and heads out the door as quickly as she can go. Luckily there's a cab right outside and she jumps in it. She's got to get the fuck out of here.

What the hell was that with Joey? She can't believe she kissed her coworker. He's really sweet, and there is no denying he's really good looking. He's available, and he isn't off limits. Harper doesn't figure Jordan will be an issue after he saw her with Joey. She hated seeing the hurt she caused him but what choice did she have? They can't be together. She has to let him go. She has to forget about him.

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