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Harper comes into work this morning knowing she'll be seeing Jordan today. She's been doing better the last couple of weeks, not thinking about him as much. Spending time with Joey has helped.

They've actually been spending every day after work together. He's become a really great friend to her. She thinks he can probably be called more than a friend, but they haven't discussed that. She's not sure she wants them to be more though. Why rock the boat? Things are good the way they are.

Harper gets through her day okay, but when she gets the call from the clerk that Jordan Knight is in the lobby all the calm she maintained throughout the day crumbles. Excitement and nervousness take over her all at once. She knows she shouldn't be either. She should be indifferent by now. Its been a month since they broke it off. She needs to pull her shit together and face him with a clear head.

Harper puts on her bravest face and goes to the lobby to get Jordan. When she opens the door to the lobby, her eyes meet his and her heart stops. She quickly recovers and calls his name. He stands and walks to the door. "Good afternoon Ms. Evans."

"Good afternoon Mr. Knight. Come on back."

They both sit in her office, staring at each other across her desk. "Hi Harper, how have you been?" He smiles as he tries to make things a little more comfortable.

"I'm doing good, Mr. Knight. How have things been going with you? Any changes? Anything to report?"

Jordan's smile fades, figuring their interaction will be strictly professional. He's disappointed, but probably shouldn't be. "Well I went to the District Attorney last week,  we went over my case. I told him what I found out. They asked me to get them Juliet's phone number. They said they'd contact her and try and get a statement from her. I know its not what I want yet, but it's a good start. And I have you to thank. You set me on the path to the DA. So thank you."

"You don't need to thank me, if what you told me about what really happened is true, you deserve to get your case looked at again."

"If? If what I told you is what really happened? Do you think I made it all up?"

"No, not at all. I don't think you made anything up, I just have to wonder about Juliet. I'm glad they are going to look into it for you. That's really great news. Is there anything else going on?"

"No that's it. Are you going to tell me how you've been?"

"No, we aren't going to talk about me." Joey sticks his head in the door, "Hey, sorry to interrupt, Harper, can I get a second?" She tells Jordan she'll be right back and steps out in the hall with Joey. "I've got a few home visits this afternoon, so I might be running late for dinner tonight, but I'll be there as soon as I'm done, I promise."

"That's fine. I'll see you when you get there." She goes back into her office. Jordan's face is blank now. Shit he must have heard them. "Okay we need to set up your home visit this month. What day is good for you?"

"You tell me when and I'll be there. You're the boss after all." He keeps his eyes down and stares at his hands.

"Okay, how about next Wednesday at four?"

"That sounds good." He still doesn't look up at her. "So you and McIntyre huh?"

"Jordan, that's none of your business. And I told you we aren't discussing my personal life." She handed him his next appointment card and stood to walk him out. He doesn't get up. He's not ready to go yet. But he knows it's no use anymore, she's gone. So he stands up and walks out of her office.

Watching him walk away actually hurts her, but it's the only choice she has. Now this is how it has to be.

The end of the day comes and she heads home. She has a little time by herself to think about her day. To think about Jordan. Seeing him today was difficult but not impossible. She'll be able to do this. It'll get easier each month.

Joey gets to her house about an hour after her. They go through their usually routine. Eat dinner, watch tv or a movie, then they have sex. The sex has gotten better, the more they learn about each other, the more comfortable they are with each other.

Harper is happy with how things are between them. But tonight Joey brings up wanting them to take things to the next level. "I just think we get along so well, and we have such a great time together. I'd like to give us a try."

She doesn't want what he's asking for. But she also doesn't want to lose his friendship. "Joey what's wrong with what we have now? I don't want to change what we're doing."

Joey looks upset, but says okay and doesn't mention it again. But he doesn't come by anymore this week. He barely speaks to her at work. Harper feels terrible, but she can't control Joey. He wants more, she doesn't. So she'll let Joey decide what he's going to do. She makes it clear to him that she still wants to be friends and hang out. She leaves him alone to decide what he wants.

Harper spends the next week alone, no Joey at all. She guesses their little arrangement has come to a end. Which is disappointing, but was bound to happen. Friends with benefits situations have a shelf life. She and Joey had reached theirs.

Harper's mind begins to drift back to Jordan and the time they'd spent together. She still misses him. She begins to feel like he's embedded in her heart, and nothing was going to remove him.

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