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Jordan walks out of Harper's apartment not understanding at all. How can a job be more important than love? He can't understand and he doesn't want to even try. But she was rather insistent that it was over between them.

There was also the kiss he witnessed between her and Joey. She might say it was nothing, but Jordan saw it, he saw her when Joey pulled away from her lips. It was something, maybe nothing serious, but there was heat between them. He thinks she'll probably be fucking him before the weeks out.

One thing Jordan's figured out about Harper is she can't be alone. She doesn't know how to be alone. Jordan knows she was with her ex Michael for eleven years, then she walked out on him on their fucking wedding day.

She came to Boston, for a new start, to find herself. To figure out who the hell she is on her own. Instead of doing that she met Jordan. They fell in love, or so he thought, then she drops him as soon as it threatens her job. Jordan knows she'll get fired if they find out about them, he gets it, he should have been honest with her from the start. But she never mentioned she was a parole officer. Had she told him that when they first met, he would have stayed away from her then. It's too late now though. He loves her.

Unfortunately Jordan just promised Harper that he'll stay away. He won't call her or come by. He'll let her go. The one problem, she's still his parole officer. They can't change that without causing suspicions. So for now they'll have to still see each other twice a month. Jordan is just fine with that.

Harper sits alone in her apartment. She thinks about that for a minute. She's really all alone now. She doesn't remember the last time she was alone. Isn't this why she moved to Boston? This is her opportunity to really become who she's meant to be. So why is she fighting herself not to call Michael right now? She suddenly misses him, what the fuck is wrong with her? She really has to stop living like this. She has to find a way to just be comfortable by herself.

Harper hits the call button anyway. The phone rings three or four times before she hears his all to familiar voice answer. "Harps?"

"Hi Michael." She isn't sure what else to say, she doesn't really know why she called him. She just needed to hear a friendly voice.

"Is everything okay Harps?"

Crying, she tries to consider what to say next, "Yeah I'm good, I guess just a little homesick."

"So you called me? Not that I'm not happy to hear from you. But why did you not call your mom or Amy?"

Harper has to think for a second, why hadn't she called Amy or her mom? "I guess because they don't know me like you do. And I'd really like for us to try and be friends."

"Friends? You want us to be friends? How can that possibly work?" Michael sounds upset, but she remembers him asking her to be his friend before she left for Boston. "Michael, you asked me to be friends before I left. I thought that's what you wanted. I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to make you mad."

"Yeah, I guess it is, if that's all I can have from you, its better than nothing at all."

They talk for almost an hour. He tells her all the gossip from back home. She tells him almost everything about her new job. She leaves out everything about Jordan. The conversation is pleasant and comforting for both of them. Maybe they'll be able to be friends after all.

Harper thinks of Jordan as she hangs up her call with Michael. She guesses it'll take some time to stop thinking of him. But she's got nothing but time.

The next day Harper's plan is to stay home and do laundry. Just to keep to herself and be alone. She stops herself from calling Jordan three times. She misses him. She can't stop thinking about him. She knows this isn't going to be easy, but she has to find a way.

Just then there's a knock at her door. Jordan! Excitement surges through her. But its not Jordan when she opens her door. Its Joey.

"Hi. Sorry for just stopping by, but I really needed to see you. Is this okay?"

Harper smiles, "Yeah, its okay. Come in." She steps back from the door allowing him into her apartment. She closes the door and turns to find Joey standing right behind her. "I wanted to make sure you got home okay last night. You were pretty drunk. I shouldn't have let you leave by yourself." She thinks about how last night might have ended if Joey had taken her home instead of her going home alone. He would have seen Jordan leaving her apartments, but she guesses he could have been visiting anyone in the building. Would she and Joey have finished what they started in the bar? Her eyes drift to his lips as she thinks about that incredible kiss they'd shared.

"Please, have a seat." Harper motions to the couch. They both sit down, Harper sits sideways facing Joey.

"So, last night, that kiss. Was that just a drunken moment for you?" Harper touches her lips at the memory of their kiss. His lips on hers. She remembers how good it felt, his hands on her face, his lips on hers, his body pressed up against hers. He'd made her forget, him for just a second. Maybe this was the answer. Maybe this was the way to put Jordan out of her mind for good. A fling with another man. Nothing serious, just someone to cleanse her palate with. It isn't an ideal situation, but she knows she needs to remove Jordan from her mind. Replace the memories she made with him with new ones of someone else.

"Joey, it wasn't just a drunken moment. But does it have to mean anything. Sometimes, a kiss is just a kiss. Is that okay with you? It was a fantastic kiss, that I enjoyed immensely. I'd really like to do it again sometime. But I'm not looking to getting into anything serious. And I'd be lying if I said I haven't been thinking about that kiss."

Joey turns to face her now, he moves towards her. "So you want to kiss me again? But you don't want any kind of relationship? Just a friends with benefits kind of thing?"

Harper nods her head. "As long as it doesn't interfere with our working relationship. And I'm not saying I'll sleep with you. I'm saying this is something we can try. If it doesn't feel right to go beyond kissing we won't. We just play it by ear."

Joey reaches over and tucks a strand of hair that fell from her ponytail behind her ear. His hand goes to the nape of her neck. "Sounds like a good plan to me." He pulls her to him. He smiles as their lips meet.

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