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Jordan hasn't been able to stop thinking about Harper since the night they met. He's been in O'shea's every night this week, hoping to run into her again. But she hasn't been back. He wanted to ask her for her phone number, but after their little exchange outside the bar, he was afraid of sounding like a guy looking for just one thing. Maybe it was better that he hadn't asked her, he wasn't really in a place in his life to start anything with a nice girl like her.

He decides it's a bad idea to keep hoping to run into her again. He's telling O'shea to have a good day as he walks out the door, he backs right into someone walking down the sidewalk. He looks down to see two oranges and an apple roll past him on the ground. He reaches down to pick up the fruit as he apologizes profusely. He turns to hand the fruit to back to whoever it belongs to.

Jordan's eyes lock on Harper. She's still picking up her groceries that he knocked out of her hands. He can't help but smile when he sees it's her. What are the chances? Just when he gave up seeing her again.


She looks up at him. A faint smile forms on her lips. She'd almost forgotten how good looking he was. "Hi, Jordan. How've you been?" He thinks she looks genuinely glad to see him. "I'm good. I was just wondering if I'd ever see you again."

"You wanted to see me again?" She asks him, sounding hopeful. Too hopeful she thinks.

"Well, yeah. I wasn't sure you made it home okay the other night." He sees her hopefulness fade when he says this.

"Now ya know." She says before walking around him and continuing down the side walk. "It was nice seeing you again Jordan. Have a good day."

Go after her you fucking idiot. He tells himself. "Harper, wait up, let me help you with those." He catches up with her and offers to help with her several grocery bags. To his surprise she doesn't say no, she just hands him half of her bags.

"Thank you, that's very nice of you." She smiles up at him.

"So, where are you from Harper?"


"Texas is a big place, what part of Texas?"

"Northeast of Dallas. I'm from a really small town you've never heard of. Dallas is the closest big city."

"So what brought you all the way to Dorchester?" He hopes it wasn't a man. He noticed the night at the bar she wasn't wearing a wedding ring, or any ring for that matter. But that doesn't always mean anything around here.


They've only walked about two blocks Jordan realizes when she stops and tries to get her keys out of her pocket. Jordan reaches down to take her other grocery bags to make it easier on her. She let's him take them and is able to get her keys out. She lives in a little brownstone, on the third floor. They take the stairs up, he's following her.

When she stops at her door, she puts the key in the lock and pauses. He thinks maybe she's having second thoughts about allowing this stranger into her apartment. "Please excuse the mess, I'm still not all the way unpacked."

He smiles, "Don't worry about it, I'm sure its cleaner than my place." He's unsure what mess she was talking about when he walks in and looks around. Her apartment is spotless, aside from the two boxes sitting in her living room. Following her into the kitchen, he sees it's also super clean. Just some dishes sitting on the counter waiting to either be put away or washed. She motions for him to sit the bags on kitchen table. "I really appreciate the help Jordan."

"It was my pleasure. I'm glad I ran into you, literally. I was a little upset at myself for not asking for your phone number the other night. Now I get a second chance."

"You want my phone number? Why?"

Because you're the most beautiful girl I've seen in a really long time. Because you're not from around here. Because you won't have any preconceived opinions of me. Because you seem really interesting to me and I want to get to know you. Because those lips of yours are screaming to be kissed. Because I want to throw you over my shoulder...he stops himself as that thought enters his head. "Why? I don't know, you seemed like you could use a friend, being new in town and all. And I think I'd make a good friend."

"So that's all this is about? You want to be my friend?" She steps closer to him, close enough he can smell her sweet scent again. He's unsure what it is, but its smells so good. She reaches out and touches his hand. Her touch makes him inhale deeply. It's been so long since he's felt a womans touch like this. He's been single for a long time. His eyes close as she brushes her fingers along his forearm. "Harper." He says her name so low and quietly, she almost doesn't hear him.

Harper couldn't seem to stop herself from reaching out to touch his hand. The thought of being just his friend makes her feel disappointed. There's something about this man that's making her feel things deep inside her that she's never felt before. When her finger tips lightly touch his hand a tingle runs through her. She travels up his forearm and finds she can't stop herself. She hears him say her name, but the sound moves her forward. Her palm runs up the sleeve of his tshirt, and rubs his large bicep. His muscle flexes at her touch.

She looks up at his face, his eyes are closed at first. When she steps closer and presses her body against his, his eyes open, they are full of want. He doesn't move. Her hands move to his shoulders and she gently pulls him towards her. "Harper.." his voice is deep and thick with desire. She doesn't stop, she feels like she can't stop.

He can't take it anymore, his hand goes to the nape of her neck and he holds her in place as he slowly leans towards her. He stops for a split second before his lips meet hers. "Oh fuck it" he whispers against her lips. When his lips finally touch hers electricity shoots through them both. His lips press firmly against hers, she opens her mouth slightly, allowing his tongue to taste hers. She touches his tongue with hers, she pushes past his tongue to enter his mouth. His tongue does the same to her next, she gently sucks his tongue. He inhales sharply. God this girl, she was making him want her so badly.

He picks her up and sits her on the kitchen counter. He pushes her legs apart and stands between them. His hands go to the sides of her face. He kisses her softly on the lips once more before backing away. "Harper, we shouldn't be doing this."

"I have to say I disagree with you there, Jordan."

"Harper, you seem like a really nice girl, but you can do way better than me. I'm no good, Harper."

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