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I twist the wedding ring on my finger as I lie awake in bed, Carl is practically drooling into the pillow.

I smile to myself and get out of bed, it's still dark outside the window and I sigh. I pull on a cotton night gown before I move to the door.

I grab my robe and wrap it around myself. I quietly leave the room, I sigh when I get into the hall.

I pass by Mika's door, I run my fingers over the M that her and Carl nailed to the wood.

Next I go to Julia's room, she is asleep, drooling like her father, upside down in her bed.  I walk out of this room and out into the hallway. Coffee is what I need, I make my way downstairs and into the kitchen.

I start making coffee, within fifteen minutes I'm sipping on the warm liquid. Its not real coffee of course.

Instead its more of a dandelion root tea. They both have the same effects.

I walk over to the double doors that lead to the porch. I watch out the windows as the sun rises.

Kelly walks down the street, she looks like she's looking for something.

I open the glass door, "Hey do you need help?" I ask as I step out onto the porch.

The woman smiles and comes up to the house, "Morning," she says as she looks me up and down.

"Interesting outfit choice," she says. I laugh and look down at my robe clad body.

I tilt my head to the side, "I just made coffee, you want a cup?" I ask her. "Yeah," she says as we walk into the house.

I pour her a cup before I hand it to her. "Thanks," Kelly says as she looks into the cup.

The sun is almost up enough to light the house, "So what do you need?" I ask as I lean my elbows on the table.

Kelly is looking around the room. She stops to look at the many pictures that Judith has drawn.

"I just wanted to know why you ran from the infirmary yesterday," Kelly says. 

I chuckle, "I had to ask Aaron if this place called Hilltop had any room to take the five of you in." 

"Who's the guy in the cell?" Kelly asks, "Negan," I say, "He's a symbol for change, he was, still is a really bad guy," I tell her.

I don't know if I really believe my own words. 

Kelly nods as she turns back to the drawings.

"Did Julia draw these?" Kelly asks, "No, Judith did. she's a little artist," I say. 

"Who are they?" Kelly asks, pointing to a drawing of Carol, the King, and Shiva.

"They lead another community," I say, "They have a tiger?" she says shocked, "Used to, she died during the war," I say. 

"Wow," she mutters, "Hopefully Hilltop will take you in," I say.

"Do they have a tiger?" Kelly asks, "No, but the leader's name is Jesus," I say with a smile. 

Kelly chuckles, "Who's this?" she asks, "That's supposed to be Carl, me, and my dad. It's Judith's depiction of  our wedding. It was the first real one after the war," I say. 

"He seems nice," Kelly says with a smile, "He is," I say. I jump when I hear a laugh from behind us. "Talking about me?" Carl asks from his spot against the doorway.

"Yep," I say, Kelly smiles lightly, "Thanks for the coffee, Elaine," she says.

"You can stay for breakfast," Carl says, "Yeah we'd love for you to stay," I say.

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