Sleeping In

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Look at me, being all productive and independent. Doing my own laundry.

Vic's POV

I think I fell asleep.

I definitely fell asleep. Because by the time I woke up it was to Kellin banging on the door.

"Vic? Vic! Open up!"

I groaned and cursed as I got up, throwing my things under my bed and walking to the door lazily.

"Ehh," was all that came out. I meant to say, 'Hello, kind sir. I am sorry, but it appears you are wrong; the exit is behind you.' But I was too brain-dead to form words.

"You good?" Kellin asked, pushing past me with his things and setting them on the floor.

"Ti.. Tired..," I yawned midway, falling knee-first onto my bed.

"Aw," Kellin cooed, "Are you sweepy?"

I nodded. "I sweepy.."

Chuckling, Kellin grabbed my feet and pushed me on the bed. "Take a nap; I'm making dinner."

I groaned. "What are you making? I only like a select few types of foods."

"Which are?"

"Um.. poptarts.. Nutella, strawberries, chocolate milk..," I named the few I could think of.

"You are such a child; all of those are junk food."

"No! Strawberries are healthy!"

Kellin nodded. "There's strawberries, but even then is there an actual meal you eat?"

I paused. "M.. Mike makes me potato's sometimes.. I like lettuce, lettuce is good, especially with salad. Salad Fingers— Um, and instant ramen."

Kellin sighed and opened my cupboard, and just like I had said, it was filled with instant ramen cups (mostly chicken, a few shrimp ones), pop tarts, and three boxes of strawberries.

"One, strawberries go in the fridge, ya dingus," Kellin explained, grabbing the strawberries and placing them in the lonely fridge with only a half-dranken carton of chocolate milk.

"How are you.. how are you alive? This is so unhealthy!" Kellin exclaimed.

"What? And you're a perfectly functioning college student?" I countered. I'll believe there's a perfectly functioning college student out there when My Chemical Romance gets back together. Wait-

"Actually," Kellin turned around, leaning against the now closed fridge. Oh god, I thought. Here we go; his long 'I'm healthier than you!' speech.

"I get up at six AM everyday except Saturdays to go to the gym for one hour. Classes start at eight for me and end at one, then I either go home and eat lunch or party. Or hook up, depending how horny I am. I always make sure to eat perfectly balanced meals. Like-"

"I get it, YouTube guru, you're better than me," I cut him off.

He looked offended. "I never said that! I was just explaining-!"

"Doesn't matter, you said it all." I swung my legs of the bed and began pacing around my apartment.

"You okay?" Kellin asked after awhile.

"Yeah, I do this when I'm bored," I explained.

"You just.. pace around your room? Why not do something? Read, homework, catch up on classes, party, hook up?"

"Because I'm not like you, dumbass. Not everyone goes to parties and hooks up with hot guys because they're bored; not everyone cares to be productive, to have a future."

Kellin raised an eyebrow. "You don't think you have a future?"

I scoffed. "Well what do you think? I'm a college student scraping through my classes, I can barely stay awake. My little brother is the quarterback in his high school, and is looking after me." I inhaled, shaking my head. "My future is sitting on a curb begging for money. Or-" I stopped.

"Or what?"

"Nothing." I shook my head and continued pacing, thinking. I motioned at my phone, "Turn on my Spotify. The playlist Fuck My Dick."

"Fuck My Dick?"

"Don't judge. Just play," I said.

Kellin obliged, turning it on. I paced to the music, allowing it to fuel my thoughts while Kellin cooked my food. What if this was my future? Living with Kellin while he kept me alive and a functioning adult? What if my future was with Kellin-

Jesus Christ, I shook the thought out of my head. Me having a future with the college fuckboy.

After twenty minutes of pacing, I sighed and fell on my bed. You know when you've been standing for god knows how long and you sit down and realize how tired your legs were, and it feels so good? Yeah, that was it right there. Kellin had finished whatever meal he'd managed to cook up aside from instant ramen, but my legs had given out.

"Come here, peasant, hand me my food," I told him.

He scoffed. "Who said I was your servant?"

"Me. Now bring over the meal. Vic needs his nutrients." Was I high? I never acted like this. I was sarcastic, dead to the world, or both. Not.. whatever this was.

Kellin brought the bowl of ramen to my nightstand, with two strawberries dipped in chocolate and some milk.

I gasped and shot up. "Strawberries!" I tore at them quickly, nearly eating the leaves.

Kellin chuckled. "Aw," he cooed as he bit into his own strawberry.

We ate in silence, and when finished Kellin opened up his book while I fell asleep. I didn't realize it until I felt his arm around me, but I'd cuddled up beside Kellin. I guess I was cold. But Kellin was warm, and I soon fell asleep in his embrace.


Skiddadle skadoodle your dick is a noodle

Mkay well don't die please y'all are gucci in my book 🖤

Um, yeah

Stay salty

~ISweepy ԅ( ͒ ۝ ͒ )ᕤ

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