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I was intoxicated, anyone could see that. But I didn't care, I continued drinking.

"Slow down man, have a water. You're gonna get alcohol poisoning at this rate," Jaime chuckled beside me, handing me a plastic cup of water.

I shrugged, taking another shot of whiskey. Maybe I wanted to get alcohol poisoning, maybe I was trying to get alcohol poisoning. To push aside Jaime's worries though, I drank some of the water.

I went for another shot but Jaime grabbed my wrist. "Nope, you're drunk."

"No I'm not!" I defended.

Jaime looked at me quizzically. "Try and stand up on your own."

I pushed myself from the table and wobbly stood on my feet. It didn't last long though, as I fell on my ass within seconds.

Jaime slapped a hand over his mouth to hide his evident laughter. "My point proven. C'mon." He grabbed my arm and holstered me up, earning me a quiet whimper. Not that I didn't enjoy the sting it brought me. Fuck, I think he reopened the one from this morning..

"Whee we goin?" I asked, stumbling out of the bar with Jaime holding me.

"I'm calling Kellin to pick you up," he said and grabbed his phone.

I gasped. "No! Not him!" I broke out in giggles through my fear.

"Jesus, you're hammered." Jaime shook his head, concerned, and put the phone to his ear. "Kellin? Yeah, Vic's with me; drunk as shit, too. ... Uh, we're at ValYourPal's Bar. I don't understand the name either."

I giggled. Personally, I loved the name. Drunk, at least. Sober me would have rolled my eyes.

"Alright, thanks." Jaime hung up and looked at me. "Alright, come on, let's sit you down."

We stumbled to the curb. I sat down and looked around the street, thoughts running through my head at a pace I didn't like.

"Jaime?" I asked, my bottom lip sticking out.

"What's up?" He put his arm around my shoulder, keeping me up.

"I-I- I like this guy, right? Mhm, so so, we kinda had the sex. But he doesn't want a relationship, I'm friend zoned. A-And I don't like it.. You're always good at these things, so what do I do?" I looked up at him.

"Well uh- He's adamant about it? Not having a thing with you?"

I nodded. "So admant."

Jaime chuckled. "Well, who's this boy?"

"Mm.." I looked out at the street, pretending to think even though my mind could barely remember what 1+1 is. "Kellin. You promise you won't tell? Anyone? Promise promise?"

Jaime nodded. "Promise promise."

I smiled, breaking out into giggles again. "That's great! He promise promise!"

"Why did Kellin move in with you?" Jaime asked softly.

"He caught me being sad, and he nice.. and happy, so he moved in and tries to make me happy," I explained with a yawn.

"Does he make you happy?"

I nodded vigorously. "Mhm! And he's cuddly, and warm. He took me to the mall, and got me a teddy bear. He stopped me from.."

"From what?" Jaime's grip on me tightened slightly, him looking down at me.

"From not being sad anymore," I muttered. "Why'd he do it? W-Why am I telling you this?" I pulled away from Jaime, crouching over the curb and throwing up any and everything left in my stomach.

"Jesus fuck- Jesus fucked me," I mumbled and wiped away the remaining puke from the side of my mouth. "I need another drink." I got up and stumbled towards the bar, by Jaime pulled me back.

"No way you're getting another drink. Kellin's almost here."

"No!" I whined. "Not Kellin." I leaned on Jaime, putting all my weight on him. Surprisingly, he held me upright.

"It'll be okay. You'll go home, sober up, and figure things out between the two of you." He muttered something under his breath, seemingly angry, but I paid no mind.

Kellin's familiar grey car pulled up and waved us over. Jaime helped me into the passenger seat. "Take care man. Thanks Kellin."

Kellin nodded and drove off, me staring out the window in awe. "The stars.. they're so beautiful. Slow your car down."

"Why? Are you gonna be sick?" Kellin questioned.

I shook my head. "I wanna see the stars, and you're driving too fast."

Kellin pulled over by the curb and turned off the car. I got out and stared up at the night sky.

"I guess you're right; they are kinda beautiful," he muttered, now beside me.

"Nearly as beautiful as you." I looked down at him, then back at the sky. "Nearly," I repeated.

"You think I'm beautiful?" Kellin asked.

"Yeah, you are. But I can't tell you, so you can't remember. 'Cause you don't like me, and I don't want you to know that I-" I was cut off by a yawn.

"That you what?"

"That I like doing this." I pulled Kellin into a small, delicate kiss. He took a moment to kiss back, but when he did he snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me closer.

"The things you do to me..," He whispered breathlessly.

"The things you do to me- You make me happy." I gave a small smile.

"I do?"

I nodded. "You do."

"You're drunk, let's get you home." Kellin pulled away, and as if none of that had ever happened, he pulled me back into the car and drove me home.

The apartment was how I left it, aside from looking a bit cleaner, which I credited Kellin for.

I pulled him to the bed with me, wrapping my arms around him and kissing him slowly.

"What are you doing?" Kellin asked me after a moment, pulling away.

"This." I went down to his neck, biting and sucking.

"Hey hey now- You're drunk." Kellin pushed me away.

"So?" I continued my assault on his collarbone.

"So-" He bit his lip, letting out a fought back noise that mixed between a groan and a moan. "I'm not taking advantage of you like that." He pushed me away again.

I pouted. "But-"

"Go to bed Vic, it's late," Kellin ordered.

"I-I- You're mean." I kicked my shoes off and turned away from him, hiding under the covers. "Hmph."

He chuckled. "Goodnight Vic." He kissed the side of my head.

I yawned, letting out a noise of contentment at Kellin's action. "Goodnight Kellin.."


Cash Money if you don't stay inside Kevin I swear to god-

My charger won't work I'm gonna screech

I'm so tired... Fuck
I don't wanna go camping tomorrow

Well uh
Dont die, I like most of you so


Sometimes You Don't Want to Be Okay - KellicWhere stories live. Discover now