Fuck You and All Your Friends

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Vic's POV

I woke up with a groan, rolling over my bed only to fall on the floor.

"Ree!" I screeched as I hit the carpet. "Uh.." I rubbed my head and searched for the bed with my hand. I crawled back on top and collapsed on the soft mattress.

"You okay?" Kellin called from the kitchen.

I glanced over. "Mhm."

"You got really drunk last night," he commented as he went back to cooking.

"I did?" I rubbed my forehead, searching for memories. All I could find was Kellin leaving and me going to the liquor cabinet while I fought back tears. Glimpses of myself drinking that alcohol, but not much more.

"Do you really not remember?" Kellin asked, turning to face me for a brief second.

I shook my head. "Not.. really. How much did I drink?" I groaned. "What did I do?"

"You um.. drank all the scotch and the rest of the vodka." Kellin walked over with breakfast in his hands, placing it on the kitchen table. "Come on, I have a drink for you that might help your hangover."

"I'm not taking your tea with Advil," I replied hoarsely, dragging myself out of bed and to the kitchen.

"It's better than nothing." Kellin pushed the cup of steaming black tea to me.

I grimaced. "Shit looks like piss, smells like piss."

Kellin chuckled. "Just drink it." He came and sat down with me, beginning to eat the hash browns and bacon he'd made for the both of us.

I sipped the tea, making sure to exaggerate the slurping sound I made as I did. When I finished, I let out a satisfied sigh and mumbled, "Spill the tea sis."

Kellin dropped his fork, looking up at me disappointed. "That died years ago-like 2018 years ago."

"So?! I can still use it! Jaime still says 'sksks' and 'and I oop'," I defended.

Kellin choked on his food. "He- He said those in the first place?" He shook his head. "You and your friends; fucking whack."

I giggled and continued cronching on my food.

"So um.. last night," Kellin said after a few minutes of silence.

I looked up. "Yeah?"

"Well um.. You got drunk and.."

"Yeah? I got drunk, we've established this." I pointed to my head, "I'm hungover as shit."

Kellin chuckled dryly. "Its just.. I leave for a party and when I come back you're on the floor, drunk. I helped you onto the bed and you started crying saying.. y-you.. wanted 'it' to stop. You wanted to.. die, but were too scared."

Not wanted or were-want, am.

"Oh.. Uh, what about.. it?"

He paused, looking at me. You know what I want I mean 'about it', the look said.

"I-" before Kellin could even start his sentence, there was a knock on the door.

I stood up, thankful for something to interrupt our conversation, and walked to the door. It was odd, no one really knocked on my door unless they had the wrong room. I assumed it was that and opened the door.

"Hello-" I stopped.

What the hell was he doing here? What the fuck was he doing at my apartment?


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