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It was perfect. I was in my black suit, waiting eagerly for my fiancé, soon to be husband, walk down that white in his suit.

Mike stood to my left, my best man. Jaime was in the audience on the verge of tears, sitting beside my parents as they smiled with pride. Their son was getting married, after heartbreak and what they thought would be the last time he spoke to anyone, he was getting married.

Before the ceremony began, I was a nervous wreck. Mike found me, sat me down, and went on a tangent.

"You're gonna go out there and wait for Kellin to walk down the isle. You're going to listen to the priest ramble about love and random shit, and you're going to say 'I do' while staring at the boy you've been head over heels with for years. Because he'll do the same. You've pulled through so much, so get through this too, okay? Marry that ass, go home and make love to him nice and sweet. Got it?"

And so I did.

I stood there, anxiously, waiting for him while I overlooked the audience.

Jaime with my parents and Tony, my cousins, Kellin's family, even Ronnie had showed up. Kellin offered to invite him, and I decided why not? He apologized, and now I was sure he meant it. I was better and the things he said to me didn't effect me anymore. So he sat near the back in a leather jacket and jeans. He never liked suits much.

But one person caught my eye, one person took the breath from my lungs when I saw their face.


I was seeing things. I had to be, she wasn't sitting there, pale and nearly translucent, yet as beautiful as ever. Her long dirty blond hair going over her shoulders as her lips curved into a smile, and she whispered,

"I'm proud of you."

And then she was gone. Again.

Music started playing, someone on the organ while Kellin appeared in his white suit, his hair combed through yet still wavy. Tears brimmed my eyes after seeing Harley and now Kellin.

With the biggest grin one could have, Kellin slowly walked towards me until we faced each other and the priest began a speech we both weren't interested in. He was so beautiful- Standing there, freshly groomed and in a nice suit. He was always beautiful. And now I was marrying him.

"Do you, Vic, take Kellin as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The priest asked.

"I do," I said, proudly, as he took Kellin's hand.

"And do you, Kellin, take Vic as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from-"

"Ah we get it," Kellin cut him off, looking back at me. "I do."

The priest smiled. Without the words of the priest, I pulled Kellin into a kiss.

"God," I muttered. "I could never get enough of your lips."

"I could never get enough of you."

And in the moment we kissed again, cheers erupted. Primarily Jaime, Mike, Nick and Justin. I held back a laugh as I heard Jaime sobbing.

"My little boy is growing up." I pulled away to glance at him, seeing my mother give him a look.

"Don't look at them," Kellin said, pulling my face back at him. "They're just idiots. Besides, I love your face."

After what felt like hours of kissing, we were pulled away and the feast began. I swear, Jaime ate half of it, while I had to wipe the cake off Kellin's face.

"Okay bitches," Mike interrupted, now standing in the front of the room. "It's my turn to make a long speech half of you don't care about." He cleared his throat, glancing at a paper in his hand before continuing.

"I grew up with one of the most annoying brothers in the world, but nonetheless, I looked up to him. I saw him at his worst, and I'll be honest, I was losing hope in him." The room was silent, Kellin grabbed my hand.

"But then Kellin runs into me, asking for Vic's number," he went on. "I thought Vic was making a friend, and I happily gave it to him. I would get calls from Kellin concerning Vic, and I would wonder what was going on. But every time I saw Vic after he met Kellin, he looked just a bit better, happier.

"I remember one day going out Kellin, Vic, and my boyfriend Tony. That night Tony and Kellin came on stage and played a song. The whole time Kellin stared at Vic with eyes that screamed 'I love you.' That night I started searching for wedding suits of Vic's size.

"While Vic was in the hospital, Kellin never left his side. We had to force him to eat and he didn't shower for weeks, I could barely visit my brother because Kellin smelled so awful. All the while he recovered, Kellin was holding his hand and giving worried glances. He helped put Vic back together, and now I can say I'm the proudest brother alive. Seeing my brother happy with the man he loves is all I could ask for, so thank you Kellin, and I'm proud of you Vic."

The speech ended, everyone beginning to clap while Kellin kissed my cheek. Mike hopped off the stage and jogged up to me.

"How was it?" He asked, opening his arms for a hug. I gripped him tightly.

"It was great."

"Far better than the original thing-" He glanced at the paper in his hands.

I grabbed the sheet of paper, looking at what it read.

So my brothers married.
What am I gonna do

"What- What is this?" I asked through laughter.

"It was late and I didn't know what to write- I don't know why I kept it." He scratched the back of his neck.

"Personally, I think it's far better. Short, sweet, and to the point."


Mike went back to dancing with Tony while Kellin pulled me away from everyone.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see."

He pulled me into a secluded room, a bed with roses covered on it.

"Thought we'd want some privacy," he whispered.

I pulled him into a kiss, and he pushed me on the bed.


That's it
It's done

The end of Sometimes You Don't Wanna Be Okay~

I'm gonna go ahead and say *special thanks to* Asking4AHorizon

They were the first person to read this story
I think
And they're really sweet and supportive so go check them out if anyone else reads this because they're a great writer

So that's the end
It's like I'm losing a child

Stay salty,


Sometimes You Don't Want to Be Okay - KellicWhere stories live. Discover now