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🌙Stan POV🌙
I want to be anarchy and I want to be anarchy (Oh what a name) and I want to be an anarchist (I get pissed, destroy!)
-anarchy in the UK by The Sex Pistols

It was a normal summer day in New Orleans the sun was shining, the large oak tree branches in my backyard where swaying, and birds where singing. me and my best friends Dina and Syd and their kid Olivia where in my backyard talking. I've known Syd and Dina ever since I moved in and that was about 3 years ago and since they live only two houses down from me they come over often. Sometimes they bring their daughter Olivia shes 10 years old she's she really likes hearing my stories about the protests and concerts I've been to. We where all talking just like a normal day when Syd said.

"Did you hear that theirs a guy moving into Wills old house tomorrow?"

"No." I replied "do you know his name?"

"I think it's bill something I forgot his last name." Dina said while thinking.

"Stenbrough or..." Syd pauses to think.

"Denbrough?" I ask as a million memories start coming back to me.

"Yeah! That's it how did you know?"  Syd asks.

"L-lucky guess." I lie

"C'mon Stan we know that your lying." Dina says while her lips curl into a small smile.

"Well if I tell you how I know him you have to promise to not think I'm insane." I say

"Got it." Syd says jokingly.

I sigh and say. "Before I moved here, I knew Bill since kindergarten we where best friends he was there for me when I needed him and vice versa, but when we got into Middle school his brother got kidnapped they thought he was dead for a year. Bill made it his job to find his little brother and one day by the Barracks in Derry Maine he took me eddie kasbrack and Richie Tozier to help look for Georgie we ended up finding a girls shoe that had been missing for weeks."

"That's it?" Dina asks

"Well no this is the insane part. So in Derry before we stopped it every 27 years a killer demon clown would kidnap, kill, and eat children for a year and then go back to sleep, once we found out that bills little brother got kidnapped by It we went into the sewers where it lived and killed It. I remember it like it was yesterday." I say

"That's crazy." Olivia says with her eyes widened.

"I know." I reply

"What happened in the sewers anyway?" Olivia asked.

"So It also fed off of fear and it knew I was terrified of a picture my dad had hanging up in his office. One day I walked in there to put back a book and the picture was crooked so I fixed it. I turned my back to put back the book and when I turned around the picture was on the floor. I picked it up and the lady in the painting was gone it was just the background. And as I turned to leave she was on the other side of the room her teeth. Oh her teeth they looked like needles it was terrifying."

"Oh my god Stan." Dina said

"Yeah it bit me in the sewers that's how I got these scars."  I Say as I point to the little faded scars that ran down my temples.

"I moved to New Orleans two years later." I say as I take a sip of my tea

After about an hour of talking it was 5:45 so syd and Dina decided to go home. After they left I walked back into my house as I turned the nob on the door to my house I couldn't stop thinking about that damn clown. I went to bed that night terrified of every small noise I heard that night.

A/N: hey guys! I'm so excited to write this book!! I have most of it planned out so I hope it's not too bad lol I hope you'll like it bye!

Words: 697

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