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🎸Stan POV🎸
Keep telling yourself that you've been playing nice, and go beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ, beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ, beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ, keep telling yourself that you've been playing nice, and go beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ.
-BLOODMONEY by poppy

bill♥️: hey stan
me: hi
bill♥️: can you drive me to the airport tomorrow for derry we could go together :)
me: that sounds awesome i'm down for that
bill♥️: great! i'm so excited ttyl stan love you
me: i'm excited too love you too bye!
i look up from me phone and my stomach turns. i haven't felt like this since i left derry. the kind of feeling i get from bill are all too familiar. i sit on my couch in my pentagram robe drinking a cup of tea watching Rue Paul's Drag Race when i get another flashback.


"it's going to be okay bill" i say as i pull the sobbing boy in for hug.

he wraps his arms around me and sobs into my neck. i move my hands in circles on his back and hold him in my arms.

"it's nuh-not oh fuh-fucking kay stan!" bill yells through his sobs"i just want my guh-georgie buh-back and it's all my fuh-fault!

"here look at me." i say as i pull away from the hug and put my hands on his shoulders. i get a better look at him and it breaks my heart seeing tears pour from the adorable boys ocean eyes.

"you are so strong bill you can get through this it's not your fault it's that dumb fucking clowns fault you didn't do anything. you had no idea that georgie would get taken. no matter what anyone tells you it's not your fucking fault. you need to stay strong bill you're the bravest person i know you risked your life to save potentially 100s of kids lives you helped us kill a fucking demon clown you're so much more than you think." i say as i look him in the eyes.

"thank you stuh-stan it's juh-just so hard not suh-seeing him anymore eh-every th-th-thing i see ruh-reminds me of huh-him." he wipes his tears with his sleeve and hugs me.

i kiss him on the top of the head and he nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck still crying but not nearly as much as before. i keep my arms tightly wrapped around the boy until he eventually drifts off to sleep.


i snap back to reality this time warm tears are falling from my eyes and running down my cheeks. i wipe my eyes and decide to go on a walk to clear my head. i put on black ripped jeans, a sex pistols shirt, my black converse and some chains, i walk out the door and start walking. i light a cigarette. and think about the memory of my childhood crushes red face with tears running down his cheeks i never want bill to feel like that ever again. i walk around the block and once i get back to my house i decide to get my snake salem out. seeing his little face always cheers me up no matter how upset i am.

later that night i start packing for derry i made sure to pack my most intense outfits to scare all the boomers there. at about 11:30 i decided to go to bed since i have to get up early in the morning tomorrow.


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