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🦇Stan POV🦇
Is a holiday in Cambodia where people are dressed in black a holiday in Cambodia where you'll kiss ass or crack
-Holiday in Cambodia by The Dead Kennedys

The next morning I made coffee and went outside to water my plants and smoke a cigarette. As I was watering my Lavender I spot a boy with a light pink jacket, a white shirt that says "Human Rights" in bold letters, mom jeans with the ankles cuffed and a black belt. I look at his face and i almost imminently recognize him as Bill Denbrough. We make eye contact and he looks at me for a second and then his lips curl into a cute smile and he mouths holy shit. I raise me eyebrows and smile at him. We walk over to eachother and talk,

"Holy shit! Stan!" Bill says excitedly.

"Bill! How long has it been?" I ask while pulling him into a hug.

"6 years or more." He responds. "How have you been?"

"Good I guess you could say I changed my style." I say as I gesture over to my house that has a pentagram as a window on the door.

Bill laughs and says "yeah I like it."

"Thanks." I smile "you should come over today."

"Yeah Georgie would love to aswell."

"Georgie?!" I exclaim "you found him?!"

"Yeah actually he's missing an arm now though." He responds

"I'm so excited to see him, I'll see you guys soon." I say as I slowly start walking back into my house.

"You too." Bill says happily

I walk into my house and clean up a little and I make sure to feed my Milk Snake Salem.

Later at 3 o clock I hear my doorbell ring and open to door to see Bill and Georgie.

"STAN?!" Georgie exclaims as he throws his arm around my neck

"Hey kiddo." I say as I hug back.

I take them inside and they sit at the kitchen counter while I stand in the kitchen

"You've really changed your style stanny." Bill says while looking around at all the framed punk band posters and items I use for witchcraft.

I slightly blush at the old nickname it's been forever since anyone has called me that "yeah I guess." I shrug and say "do you guys want something to drink?"

"Sure I'll have a coke." Georgie says.

"Coming right up!" I joke "and for you good sir?" I point to bill and he playfully rolls his eyes.

"I'll have some tea." He says

I put water in a kettle and get a coke for Georgie.

"So Georgie how old are you now??" I ask

"I'm 13 almost 14." He answers.

"I can't believe the last time I saw you, you where seven." I say

"I can't believe you got so tall you used to be an ant." Bill says jokingly.

"Hey! Eddie was shorter than me dummy." I replied

"Oh yeahhhhh" he says "we should all meet up in Derry one day."

I nod and pour his tea into a cup for him.

"So are you single?" Bill says while smirking.

"Of course who do you think I am." I say

Bill laughs and says "that's surprising."

"Well I only really leave the house to go to work and sometimes my friends houses so there isn't really a way for me to meet people."

Bill nods and says "I'm excited to finally be able to live in New Orleans people here are so excepting like if your house was in Derry it would probably get burned down."

"Yeah it's much more peaceful too" I reply "by the way the whole neighborhood is doing a block party tomorrow are you going?"

"I'll go if you go." He shrugs

"Can I go?" Georgie asks.

"Of course you can buddy." I say as I mess up his hair with my hand.

After an hour of talking bill and Georgie left and after that I remembered another reason why I was so close with Bill. I used to be practically in love with him. I'm not anymore... or am I?

Words: 688

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