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🥀Stan POV🥀
Can't make a poster for the show I think your bands are swell, understanding up the, half past twelve, I really love your drama, girl Its in the boy as well, you trade the punk rock scene so seriously, I can tell
-Gotta have a soul by Blood Witch

The next morning I wake up and take my sketchbook and watercolors outside to paint. I may be punk but sometime you just need a break from being so cool ;).

As I'm painting, Bill comes out of his house and sits next to me.

"Hey stanny." He chirps while scooting closer to me.

"Hey billy." I say as I put my painting down in the grass.

"I got a text from Ben last night saying that he wants the losers to all come and hang out at a Chinese food place in Derry on Sunday, Did you?" He asked

"No, I miss the others though." I reply

"Me too stan. I just started thinking about the memories I've had with people who I don't remember forgetting." He says

"Yeah I know exactly how you feel." I say as mess with the safety pins on my pants.

Suddenly I feel bills head on my shoulder I blush and gently grab his hand to hold it. His lips curl into a small adorable smile that just makes my heart melt thinking about it.

"Do you remember the clubhouse?" Bill asks.

Suddenly a flood of memories come back and I say "how could I forget."

Bill gently squeezes my hand and says "I missed you stan."

"I missed you too bill"

We sat in the grass for 30 minutes until I get a text from Syd asking if bills going to the block party I say yes and me and bill go our separate ways into our houses.

I walk in front of my vanity and put a chain with a lock at the end around my neck and a black choker with small metal spikes on it. I slip on my black doc martens and walk into the kitchen to make a cake for the block party. As I'm mixing the batter I get a flashback.
"Move your fat ass spaghetti man!" Richie squeals while trying to get something out of the fridge

"Would you please shut up I'm trying to find the eggs!" Eddie spits.

"Ok guys we get it you guys are in love." Mike jokingly says while putting a cup of flour in a bowl.

Eddie and Richie roll their eyes and I pre hear the oven.

"Why are we making this cake again?" Beverly groans.

"For Eddies mom-" Richie gets cut off by Eddie saying "shut up Richie just shut up!"

"Muh-my mom is forcing me tuh-to make a cake for the ch-ch-church buh-bake sale." Bill says unenthusiastically.

"Do you even go to church Bill?" Ben asks

"Nuh-no but my mom duh-does." He responds

We pour the batter into a pan and Eddie takes it over to the oven as eddies walking he trips over bills foot and almost drops the cake luckily I was able to catch it before it hit the ground.

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