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🦴stan pov🦴
Be nice to sad boys or else get shot, somebody get the fucking gun, and I don't really wanna go to school anymore more mom, I might get shot.
-get shot by GRLwood
psa: grlwoods music slaps but the lead singer is a horrible person don't support them

"you look amazing." i said as bill spun around in the overalls he got the day prior.

"you too stan." bill said as he gave me a peck on the cheek.

shortly after that we stood outside of syd and dinas house smoking a blunt right before the party as if we where in high school again. being with bill made me nostalgic, he made me feel as if i was in high school again even though we didn't talk at all through it. we walked through the door and the sound of classic rock could be heard all throughout the house. syd and dina spotted us and gestured for us to go talk to them. we obeyed and walked over to where they were sitting in the kitchen.

"hey boysss." dina slurred. you could tell that she was drunk.

"hey dina." i said while getting two beers out of a cooler.

"did you guys go on vacation for three days or some shit like that?" lucas said as he took a sip of his beer.

"yeah i guess you could call it that." bill said as he opened his beer and took a sip.

"yeah we went up to derry maine to visit some childhood friends." i say

"groovyyyy." dina said through a fit of giggles. syd jokingly slapped her arm and chuckled.

an hour goes by and i've drank at least 5 beers and i'm drunk as fuck.

while we where talking i said "i gotta go piss be right back ladies." i made me way up the stairs and right after i walked out of the bathroom i feel hands pull me into a bed room.

"hey stanley." patty says while putting her hand on my chest.

"what the fuck Patricia!" i whispers scream

"shhh i thought we could have some fun." she said as she put her index finger on my lips and smirked.

"what the actual fuck i'm gay." i protested

"that doesn't matter to me." she said as she pulled me into a kiss.

right before i got the chance to react the door opens and she breaks the kiss. the person standing in the doorway was none other than bill denbrough with his hand over his mouth and wide eyes.

a/n: oooooooooo

words: 417

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