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🔪Stan POV🔪
So I try to laugh about it, cover it all up with lies, I try to laugh about it hiding the tears in my eyes 'Cause boys don't cry
-boys don't cry by the cure

i wake up the next day with bill in my arms. i gently squeeze him just enough to wake him up and his eyes fluttered open.

"goodmorning stanny." he says while yawning.

"good morning billy" i say.

"when's georgie coming home?" bill asks i shrug and he checks his phone "i don't have any texts from him he's probably still sleeping.

we talk and cuddle until georgie gets home and then i leave. once i get home i get another flashback.


"hey shitheads are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna jump?!" richie screams from in the water at the clif where everyone else is standing.

eddie jumps into the water and then the others go i was last. i was always last.

i jump in and bill swims over to me to congratulate me. and then we play chicken. me and bill partner up and we lost because i'm built like an uncooked piece of spaghetti. but bill didn't care though he never cared. he just cared about wether or not i was happy. never about anything else. i was lucky to be in love with a boy like him. he was the ideal boyfriend for any gender. he could make anyone smile just by looking at them. he was perfect.


i don't even realize it but tears are now welling back up in my eyes. i wipe my eyes with my sleeve and get ready for work.
after work i get a text from a group chat

unknown: hey losers ;)
me:who's this?
unknown: yeah
unknown: it's richie tozier
unknown: RICHARD
richie 👎: hey bby 😘😘
unknown: fuck off it's eddie.
ben: everyone say their names
ben: i'm ben hanscom
me: i'm stanley uris
richie👎: STAN!!
me: hi rich
bill❤️: i'm bill denbrough
eddie: bill!
unknown: i'm mike hanlon
richie👎: mikey!
mike: shut up
richie: :(
unknown: i'm beverly marsh 🦔
ben: so are we all still up for sunday?
bill❤️: yep
me: yeah
richie👎: yessss
eddie: yes sirrrr


A/N: hey guys! sorry this chapter is so short but i started another book it's called "normal" it's sydney novak x my oc so if that sounds interesting go read it :) anyway i hope you liked this chapter bye!

(lmao this is like a week later) i deleted the book bc it's really bad idk i might re make it but i have a reddie book planed so idk sorry

words: 442 :)

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