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🧷stan pov🧷
To hell with the spins I'm staying, there's no good reason why I should leave your bed tomorrow, we can watch planet earth and brainstorm tattoos, to hell with class, I'm skipping, let's order food and sleep in, I've got so much to do, but it's ok cause whatever, forever.
-rock bottom by modern baseball.
"you're so beautiful." i say as i put my arm around bill while waiting for the plane to take off.

"oh shut up uris we both know that's a lie." bill says as he snuggles closer to me.

"oh denbrough you make me the happiest boy alive." i gush as i give him a kiss on the cheek.

"you too uris." he says as he kisses me on the lips.

we both fall asleep in eachothers arms on the plane.


"i'm so sorry bill." i say as tears run down my face.

"sh-shhhhh stan i-it's ok you did-didn't do ah-anything." bill says as he takes my hand and moves his thumb in circles on the back of my hand.

"i'm such a fucking disappointment" i cried"i should have studied if i studied then my dad wouldn't have hit me!"

"what the fuh-fuck are you tuh-talking about stuh-stan you didn't do anything your duh-dad is just a suh-sick fuh-fucker." bill says as he pulls me into a tight hug. "yuh-your so strong for put-putting up with a stuck up buh-bitch like hi-him."

"really?" i ask through my sobs.

"yes really stan." bill says as he kisses me on the top of head.

i nuzzle my face into the crook of the taller boys neck and we both fall asleep.


"stan wake up." bill says while shaking me gently.

my eyes flutter open and i say "hey cutie."

bill blushes and says "we're leaving."

we get up, get our luggage and go to Starbucks.

"you ok?" bill asks while i'm spacing out.

"oh- hey- yeah i'm fine. why?" i ask

"you seem off like something is bothering you are you sure you're ok?"

"well i has this flashback on the plane and it was me and you when we where younger and you where comforting me while i was crying because my dad hit me and i really just remember how i felt."

" well, how did you feel?"

"like i finally felt real happiness for the first time in a while."




at about 5 o clock we got to our houses and georgie greeted us at the door.

"STAN, BILL!" georgie squealed as he threw his arm around us.

"hey georgie." i chuckle

bill puts his stuff away and we're in his room talking while georgie is outside with his friends.

"bill?" i ask

"yes honey." bill jokes as he turns around to face me.

i giggle and say "syd invited us over for a party on saturday so in two days, patty's daughter and a few other older kids are gonna watch the kids out her house. are you going?"

"definitely if you are?" he asks

"i am." i say as i snake my arms around his waist and put our four heads together.

bill softly chuckles and says "stanley uris you have me wrapped around your finger."

"that's the plan babe" i joke as i give him a peck on the nose.

words: 568

𝑅𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟?~stenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now