13- apologies

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🔴bill pov🔴
When I moved away from home, 100 miles or so, I knew a change had grown inside my awkwardly long limbs and bones, that girl who's next to me, she's friendly and thoughtful and quite awfully pretty, but all she has to say is a meat head-themed monologue on why Brad ran away.
- tears over beers by modern baseball.

i walked into the bedroom thinking it was a bathroom to see patty and stan making out. i froze with my hand over my mouth and my eyes wide. even though we had never specified if we where together i felt like i had been cheated on. tears start clouding my vision and i ran. i ran all the way to patty's house to get georgie to take him home and crawl into bed and cry my eyes out. as i was running out of syd and dinas house i could hear stan yelling for me to come back and when i left. i could hear patty laughing and stan crying. i cried myself to sleep that night wishing that i had never gone to that stupid fucking party in the first place.


"what buh-bird is th-that?" i asked while pointing to a bird that was sitting in a tree about ten feet away from us.

"that's a..." stan paused to look down at his bird book. "a Nuthatches!"

i rested my head against his shoulder and said "that's cuh-cool."

"mhm" stan hummed as he brought his binoculars up to his eyes to look for more birds.

a few a minutes of comfortable silence went by and i asked "hey stuh-stan?"

"yeah?" he replied as he dropped his binoculars and looked at me.

"can you puh-promise muh-me something?" i asked

"probably depending on what is it." he said as his lips curled into a smile.

"promise muh-me you wuh-won't ever leave muh-me all al-alone." i said as tears stung my eyes.

"bill i'm moving next week." he said as his smile turned into a small frown.

"no i mean emo-emotionally don't leave me like guh-georgie did." i said as tears down my cheek.

"i promise bill." stan said as he threw his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"i'm guh-gonna miss you stuh-stanny." i said while tears ran down my cheek.

stan put his hand on my cheek while tears ran down his face and whipped away my tears with his thumb and said "i'll miss you too billy."


i woke up the next morning with a horrible headache and about 50 text messages and 10 calls from last night from stan. the memory of what happened hit me like a tsunami and i broke down into tears. i guess georgie heard me so he ran into my room and asked me why i was crying.

"i-i-i saw stan kissing someone a-at the party last night." i said through my tears.

georgie threw his arm around me and i cried into the crook of his neck.

"what?" he asked "are you and stan dating?"

"no buh-but we flirt and kiss a lot so i just thought he saw me as a boyfriend." i said while sobbing.

"who was he kissing?" georgie asked

"patty." i cried

georgie nodded and pulled away from the hug and put his hands on my shoulders.

"well stan is a bitch." georgie said  "i really hope that stan didn't mean it because you deserve to be happy bill."

i nod and thank him he leaves and i look at my messages from last night.

stan❤️: bill i'm sorry

stan❤️: she pulled me into the room after i used to bathroom

stan❤️: she forced me to kiss her bill

stan❤️: you probably hate me

stan❤️: bill you make me so happy i can't lose you

stan❤️: i'm so sorry bill

stan❤️: i love you.

there was more but the last one hit me stanley uris loves me? i love him too i just wasn't expecting that i guess. i look at my voice mails next.

stanley❤️  1:46 am saturday june 6th, 2020:
bill, i'm so sorry i didn't mean it she forced me to im drunk i'm so so so sorry you deserve to be happy you've been through so much shit and you don't deserve this you make me feel like i'm at home you make me feel young you make me so happy i love you so much bill denbrough please call me when you get this please. *beep*

i look down at my phone. stan wouldn't lie to me. i don't think he's ever lied to me so why would he now. i believe him. im gonna make things right again. i'm gonna get my stanny back.

a/n: weeeee

words: 813

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