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🎲stan pov🎲
it's been a couple of days since I've had a full blown meltdown, but I'm still a loser and always will, be so why change now?
-full blown meltdown by PUP

"stan wake up." bill whispered as he gently nudged my shoulder.

i open my eyes and bills face is inches away from mine.

"we have 10 minutes until we land!" bill says excitedly.

i smile and ask "did you wake me up just to tell me that?"

he nods and rests his head on my shoulder.

"bill you're so adorable it's not even funny anymore." i say while i put my arm around his shoulders.

"stan you're more adorable i'm just a 23 year old with a weird fashion sense and a fascination with sanrio characters." he says as he gently grabs my hand.

"no bill you're so much more than that"

"no not really,"

"yes you are bill." i say as a gently put my hand on his cheek. he gets closer to me our faces now inches apart. just before our lips met the pilot of the plane said something on the intercom which startled us and we both pulled away.

the plane lands and everyone starts filing out in a line we walked out of the plane and got our suitcases. we walk out of the airport and call ben.

"hey ben were in derry."

"sweet! we're all meeting at the hotel."

"yay! i'll see you there, bye ben." i say as i hang up.

we get an uber and they drive us to the hotel. it looks a little run down and old but so does everything else in derry. we walk through the door hand and hand and see. eddie and ben talking.

"holy shit!!" bill exclaims while letting go of my hand to go hug them.

i follow behind him and hug them as well.

"what the fuck happened to you guys?!" eddie exclaims as he gestures to our outfits

"well i guess we had a small style change." bill jokes

soon enough richie, beverly, and mike, walk through the door. we all talk for a little bit then we uber to the chinese restaurant. we all sit down and richie says.

"ok losers lets talk, what the fuck happened to bill, stan and ben,"

"well you could say i lost a few pounds." ben jokes.

"new orleans introduced me to a lot of goth and punk community's." i say

"i just really like hello kitty." bill says as he shows off his my melody phone case.

everyone laughs and richie says.

"so eddie you're married?

"yeah, what's so fucking funny about that dickwad."

"what to like a woman?"

"fuck you."


"so trash mouth are you married?" bill asks.

"there's no wayyyyy richies married!" beverly exclaims.

"yeah i'm married." richie says

"what really?" eddie asks


"to who?" bill asks

"you know me and eddies mom are very happily married right now." richie says and the whole table erupts with laughter.

"have you told them about georgie yet?" i ask bill. everyone looks confused.

"oh yeah well i found him." he says sheepishly.

"What?!" bev says.

"so i was watching the news like the day after graduation and i saw that a boy was found and he said his name was georgie denbrough looked exactly like georgie so i immediately went to the police department and it was actually him he has one arm and a bunch of trauma but i still love him."

"holy shit that's crazy." eddie says while shaking his head.

soon enough eddie and richie start arguing like old people again just like they used to and ben says.

"do you guys wanna go to the clubhouse tomorrow?"

the whole table agrees and before we knew it it was time to go. me and bill walked out of the restaurant hand in hand when eddie pulled us to the side.

"what's up with you two?" he askes with an eyebrow raised

"what do you mean?" bill asks

"i mean you guys are all lovey dovey like are you guys fucking if something?" eddie asks quietly

"no, no, no, no, eddie were just friends." i say

"sureeeeeee" eddie says while turning around and walking away to go talk to richie.

we shrug it off and go back to the hotel. we get ready to go to sleep and get in our separate beds.

just before i was about to drift off to sleep bill whispers "hey stan?"

"yeah?" i whisper back

"can we snuggle or something i'm cold." he whispers

"of course." i say while smiling.

he lets out a tiny squeal and runs over to my bed and gets under the covers with me. i snake my arms around his waist and he puts his head on my chest.

"this is much better." he whispers.

"yeah, i agree." i whisper back

soon enough we drift off to sleep thinking about each other.

a/n: this chapter sucks i'm sorry 😳


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