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👾bill pov👾
Love me like there's no tomorrow, hold me in your arms, tell me you mean it, this is our last goodbye and very soon it will be over, but today just love me like there's no tomorrow.
-love me like there's no tomorrow by freddie mercury

i quickly threw on some clothes and dashed out the door. i ran over to stanley's house and rang the doorbell. i hear footsteps and a puffy eyed stanley opened the door. he had black sweatpants on and a the cure shirt.

"oh stan." i said as i threw my arms around him. he started sobbing into my shoulder i didn't care that he was getting my shirt wet i just wanted him to be happy.

"i'm so sorry bill she forced me to do it i was drunk i'm so sorry bill." he sobbed as he pulled away from the hug.

"i know stan i know it's ok i forgive you." i say as i close the gap in between us and press my lips against his.

"can i tell you something bill?" stan asked as he pulled away from the kiss.

"you can tell me anything stan." i replied

"i love you" he chuckled as he hugged me.

"i love you too" i replied while snuggling my head into the crook of his neck.


"c'mon billy!" the curly haired boy giggled as he rode his bike past me.

"wait up stuh-stan." i chuckled as i peddled faster.

after a few minutes we arrived at the quarry it was about 9:45 when we got there. stan laid his blanket down on the ground and we lied down next to eachother looking up at the stars.

"it's beautiful stuh-stan." i said in awe

"not as beautiful as you." stan mumbled

"wuh-what?" i asked

"oh nothing." he lied

"no you said suh-something wha-what was it?" i said as i gently grabbed his hand to hold.

we intertwined our fingers and sat up.

"i said it's not as beautiful as you." stan said sheepishly.

i chuckled and said "if only th-that where truh-true."

"but it is." stan protested.

i could barely see his face but i could see his silhouette and whenever he spoke his curls would bounce a little it was adorable.

stan put his hand on my cheek and got closer to me. i could feel his breath on my lips until i felt him close the gap in between us and he kissed me. i was shocked but kissed him back.

"sorry i couldn't help myself." stan said as he pulled away.

"i-it's ok i luh-liked it." i replied as i snuggled up closer to him and we lied back down on the blanket.


we where laying on his couch holding eachother in our arms.

"i remembered something." i say

"what was it."

"our first kiss."

stan pauses to think but then his eyes go wide and he says "at the quarry the day before i left for new orleans?"

"mhm" i hummed

"ive always had a giant crush on you ever since 5th grade." he says

"i've liked you since 6th grade stan." i chuckled.

"william denbrough?" stan jokingly asks

i cringe at my real name and say "yes stanley uris?"

"will you please be my boyfriend?" he asks

"of course stan." i said as i gently kissed him in the lips.

we fell asleep in eachothers arms laying on his couch with nothing but eachother on our minds.

a/n: i might be ending this book soon :( i hope you guys like it i'm very proud of it :)

words: 611

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